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Overview of officially issued postal materials

Overview of officially issued postal materials
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XXIX Summer Olympic Games Beijing 2008 (postage stamp Dahlias)

XXIX Summer Olympic Games Beijing 2008 (postage stamp Dahlias)

Personalised miniature sheet with the postage stamp Dahlias prepared for the XXIX Summer Olympic Games Beijing 2008.
04. 06. 2008 

XXIX Summer Olympic Games Beijing 2008 - Long jump

XXIX Summer Olympic Games Beijing 2008 - Long jump

Commemorative postage stamp Olympic Games Beijing 2008 - Long jump.
04. 06. 2008 - 31. 12. 2009 

SLOVOLYMPFILA 2008 - Day of Slovak Olympians (M. Mečíř, J. Pribilinec)

SLOVOLYMPFILA 2008 - Day of Slovak Olympians (M. Mečíř, J. Pribilinec)

Príležitostná ručná pečiatka používaná pri príležitosti Dňa slovenských olympionikov na výstave SLOVOLYMPFILA 2008.
04. 06. 2008 

Obálka prvého dňa vydania (FDC) k poštovej známke Olympijské hry Peking 2008.
04. 06. 2008 

SLOVOLYMPFILA 2008 - Day of Slovak Olympians

SLOVOLYMPFILA 2008 - Day of Slovak Olympians

Postal (correspondence) pre-stamped card with embossed stamp Pozdisovce ceramics with imprint to the Day of Slovak Olympians at the SLOVOLYMPFILA 2008 philatelic exhibition.
04. 06. 2008 

Introduction of the postage stamp Olympic Games Beijing 2008

Introduction of the postage stamp Olympic Games Beijing 2008

Commemorative postmark used in Bratislava on the ocassion of the introduction of the postage stamp Olympic Games Beijing 2008.
04. 06. 2008 

Opening of the Philatelic exhibition SLOVOLYMPFILA 2008

Opening of the Philatelic exhibition SLOVOLYMPFILA 2008

Commemorative postmark used in Bratislava on the ocassion of the opening of the Philatelic exhibition SLOVOLYMPFILA 2008.
03. 06. 2008 



Stationery Envelope Linden Twig II. with the imprint for the SLOVOLYMPFILA 2008 philatelic exhibition.
23. 05. 2008 

Príležitostná ručná pečiatka používaná pri príležitosti uvedenia poštovej známky Osobnosti – Maša Haľamová.
25. 04. 2008 

Personalities: Maša Haľamová (1908 - 1995) - 100th birth anniversary

Personalities: Maša Haľamová (1908 - 1995) - 100th birth anniversary

Postage stamp of the Personalities stamp series commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Slovak poet Masa Halamova.
17. 04. 2008 

Finals of the European Cup of juniors on short track

Finals of the European Cup of juniors on short track

Príležitostná ručná pečiatka používaná pri príležitosti Finále európskeho pohára juniorov rýchlokorčuliarov na krátkej dráhe.
21. 12. 2007 

International Peace Marathon 2007

International Peace Marathon 2007

Occasional postmark used in Kosice on the occasion of the 84thst International Peace Marathon 2007 in Kosice.
07. 10. 2007 

EUROPA 2007: 100 years of scouting

EUROPA 2007: 100 years of scouting

Postage stamp of the EUROPA stamp series devoted to the 100 years of scouting.
30. 05. 2007 - 31. 12. 2009 



Poštová známka vydaná na popularizáciu tenisu.
21. 03. 2007 - 31. 12. 2009 

International Peace Marathon 2006

International Peace Marathon 2006

Occasional postmark used in Kosice on the occasion of the 76th International Peace Marathon 2006 in Kosice.
01. 10. 2006 

XX. Winter Olympics Torino 2006

XX. Winter Olympics Torino 2006

Príležitostná poštová známka k Zimným olympijským hrám Turín 2006 s vyobrazením lyžiarky - slalomárky na trati (V. Zuzuľová).
03. 02. 2006 - 31. 12. 2009 

International Peace Marathon 2005

International Peace Marathon 2005

Occasional postmark used in Kosice on the occasion of the 75st International Peace Marathon 2005 in Kosice.
02. 10. 2005 

Nature Conservation: Horses - Lippizaner Horse

Nature Conservation: Horses - Lippizaner Horse

Príležitostná poštová známka z emisného radu Ochrana prírody so zameraním na kone s vyobrazením plemena Lipicanský kôň.
30. 06. 2005 - 31. 12. 2009 

Nature protection: Horses - Slovak Warmblood

Nature protection: Horses - Slovak Warmblood

Príležitostná poštová známka z emisného radu Ochrana prírody so zameraním na kone s vyobrazením plemena Slovenský teplokrvník.
30. 06. 2005 - 31. 12. 2009 

Paralympic cycling (Radovan Kaufman)

Paralympic cycling (Radovan Kaufman)

Postage stamp issued in memory of Radovan Kaufman - a paralympic winner from Sydney 2000, world champion and world record holder in the race track cyclist to 1 km and co-founder of the campaign "On wheels against cancer".
31. 03. 2005 - 31. 12. 2009 

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Overview of officially issued postal materials

Overview of officially issued postal materials
Overview of officially issued postal materials
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