Nature protection: Butterfly collection of the Central Slovak Museum in Banská Bystrica
Commemorative postage stamp from the Nature protection stamp series dedicated to the butterfly collection of the Central Slovak Museum in Banská Bystrica.
Sad news about the passing of a great person, collector, publicist, organizer and especially a friend with a big heart - Jaroslav Petrásek (January 1, 1941 – August 3, 2022).
Report on the acceptance of Pavel Lazar as a member of the club of owners of philatelic rarities - Club 100 de Monte Carlo de l'Elité de la Philatelie.
Very sad news about the passing away of one of the most important Slovak and Czechoslovak philatelists - collector, publicist and the nestor of Slovak youth philately mgr. Ján Mička
A popularization article intended also for the non-philatelic public devoted to the dedicated to the city of NITRA from the point of view of postage stamps.
A popularization article intended also for the non-philatelic public devoted to the circumstances of preparation of the process of designing, creating, printing and publishing the first Slovak postage stamps in euro currency.
The life story of a former sportsman, sports manager, later a sports badge maker but mainly a lifelong passionate collector of sports badges Pavel König.
Very sad news about the death of Jan Malik - the philatelic life organizer in Krakow and diligent and tireless promoter of Slovak postage stamps in Poland.
Very sad news about the death of one of the most important Czech philatelists and the chairman of the Union of Czech Philatelists Walter Müller (April 6, 1943 - March 30, 2019)
Sad news of the departure of one of the most recognised Slovak and Czechoslovak philatelists - stamp collector, exhibitor, publicist and mainly nestor of the Slovak youth and thematic philately Jan Maniacek, st.
Sad news of the departure of one of the most recognised Slovak and Czechoslovak stamp collectors - exhibitor, publicist and stamp approver JUDr. Svatopluk Sablatura (7.
9. 1929 - 16. 1. 2016).
Sad news of the departure of one of the most important Czechoslovak and Czech stamp collectors and philatelic officials ing. Ladislav Dvoracek (27. 6. 1923 - 22. 1. 2015).
Rozhovor o známkach, ich zbieraní a iných veciach týkajúcich sa filatelie, hlavne tej organizovanej, s predsedom Zväzu slovenských filatelistov Miroslavom Ňaršíkom.
Informácia o udeľovaní ocenení Mesta Trnavy významným trnavským osobnostiam za rok 2013, kde medzi ocenenými je aj dlhoročný filatelista, publicista a zväzový funkcionár Mgr. Ján Mička.
Informácia o udeľovaní Ceny primátora mesta Galanta 2013 a ďalších výročných ocenení, kde medzi ocenenými bol aj dlhoročný filatelista, publicista a zväzový funkcionár Ing. Vladimír Mrva. GRATULUJEME!!!