Nature protection: Butterfly collection of the Central Slovak Museum in Banská Bystrica

Commemorative postage stamp from the Nature protection stamp series dedicated to the butterfly collection of the Central Slovak Museum in Banská Bystrica.

06. 06. 2025

Interviews and social news

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06. 06. 2020

Nitra - Mesopotamia of the north

A popularization article intended also for the non-philatelic public devoted to the dedicated to the city of NITRA from the point of view of postage stamps.

27. 05. 2020

Philatelic Nitra internationally

A popularization article intended also for the non-philatelic public devoted to the philatelic exhibition with a religious thematics NITRAFILA 2008.

14. 04. 2020

How the first Slovak euro stamps were born

A popularization article intended also for the non-philatelic public devoted to the circumstances of preparation of the process of designing, creating, printing and publishing the first Slovak postage stamps in euro currency.

22. 05. 2019

Sad news from Krakow

Very sad news about the death of Jan Malik - the philatelic life organizer in Krakow and diligent and tireless promoter of Slovak postage stamps in Poland.

20. 01. 2016

Svatopluk Sablatura passed away

Sad news of the departure of one of the most recognised Slovak and Czechoslovak stamp collectors - exhibitor, publicist and stamp approver JUDr. Svatopluk Sablatura (7.
9. 1929 - 16. 1. 2016).

08. 03. 2014

Trnava personalities receive citizens awards

Informácia o udeľovaní ocenení Mesta Trnavy významným trnavským osobnostiam za rok 2013, kde medzi ocenenými je aj dlhoročný filatelista, publicista a zväzový funkcionár Mgr. Ján Mička.

25. 01. 2014

Prize of the Mayor of Galanta 2013

Informácia o udeľovaní Ceny primátora mesta Galanta 2013 a ďalších výročných ocenení, kde medzi ocenenými bol aj dlhoročný filatelista, publicista a zväzový funkcionár Ing. Vladimír Mrva. GRATULUJEME!!!

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Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists