11. 08. 2022
Interviews and social news
09. 08. 2022
Among the elite: The first Slovak in the prestigious philatelic club, Queen Elizabeth is also a member
Report on the acceptance of Pavel Lazar as a member of the club of owners of philatelic rarities - Club 100 de Monte Carlo de l'Elité de la Philatelie.10. 03. 2021
A look behind Jozef Čížek
The sad news of the death of Jozef Čižek - one of our most important philatelists.18. 11. 2020
Sad news from Trnava - Janko Mička is no longer with us
Very sad news about the passing away of one of the most important Slovak and Czechoslovak philatelists - collector, publicist and the nestor of Slovak youth philately mgr. Ján Mička06. 06. 2020
Nitra - Mesopotamia of the north
A popularization article intended also for the non-philatelic public devoted to the dedicated to the city of NITRA from the point of view of postage stamps.27. 05. 2020
Philatelic Nitra internationally
A popularization article intended also for the non-philatelic public devoted to the philatelic exhibition with a religious thematics NITRAFILA 2008.25. 05. 2020
Video portrait of the creator of Czech stamps, Adolf Absolon
Interesting narration and examples of the work of one of the creators of modern Czech stamps, originally a geologist, RNDr. Adolf Absolon.14. 04. 2020
How the first Slovak euro stamps were born
A popularization article intended also for the non-philatelic public devoted to the circumstances of preparation of the process of designing, creating, printing and publishing the first Slovak postage stamps in euro currency.25. 12. 2019
One of the six ... the story of the athlete and collector Pavel König
The life story of a former sportsman, sports manager, later a sports badge maker but mainly a lifelong passionate collector of sports badges Pavel König.22. 05. 2019
Sad news from Krakow
Very sad news about the death of Jan Malik - the philatelic life organizer in Krakow and diligent and tireless promoter of Slovak postage stamps in Poland.11. 04. 2019
Very sad news from the Union of Czech Philatelists
Very sad news about the death of one of the most important Czech philatelists and the chairman of the Union of Czech Philatelists Walter Müller (April 6, 1943 - March 30, 2019)12. 11. 2017
The train that left - a sad report on the death of Stanislav Novosad
Very sad news about the death of the prominent collector, researcher and exhibitor Stanislav Novosad19. 09. 2017
Died doyen of Slovak youth and thematic philately ing. Ján Maniaček st.
Sad news of the departure of one of the most recognised Slovak and Czechoslovak philatelists - stamp collector, exhibitor, publicist and mainly nestor of the Slovak youth and thematic philately Jan Maniacek, st.26. 09. 2016
Creator of Slovak stamp graphics PhDr. Ivan Schurmann passed away
Sad news about the death of one of the most important authors of Slovak and Czechoslovak postage stamps PhDr. Ivan Schurmann (1935 - 2016).18. 09. 2016
Philatelist: Postage stamps are being issued only for us collectors
An interview on the collection of postage stamps with a longtime collector from Bratislava.25. 02. 2016
Sad news from Melbourne - Max Stern passed away
Information on the death of important philatelic trader a native of Bratislava, Max Stern and personal memory of his longtime friend Michael Zika.20. 01. 2016
Svatopluk Sablatura passed away
Sad news of the departure of one of the most recognised Slovak and Czechoslovak stamp collectors - exhibitor, publicist and stamp approver JUDr. Svatopluk Sablatura (7.9. 1929 - 16. 1. 2016).
14. 02. 2015
Ladislav Dvoracek is no longer among us - leave us a significant personality of the Czech-Slovak and world philately
Sad news of the departure of one of the most important Czechoslovak and Czech stamp collectors and philatelic officials ing. Ladislav Dvoracek (27. 6. 1923 - 22. 1. 2015).31. 12. 2014
Old postcards hide stories of lovers and trades
A report on the collection of old postcards with longtime collector from Trnava.28. 08. 2014
Philatelist: Postage stamp Kiska done hastily, post devalues history
Rozhovor o známkach, ich zbieraní a iných veciach týkajúcich sa filatelie, hlavne tej organizovanej, s predsedom Zväzu slovenských filatelistov Miroslavom Ňaršíkom.08. 03. 2014
Trnava personalities receive citizens awards
Informácia o udeľovaní ocenení Mesta Trnavy významným trnavským osobnostiam za rok 2013, kde medzi ocenenými je aj dlhoročný filatelista, publicista a zväzový funkcionár Mgr. Ján Mička.08. 03. 2014
Ján Mička: Postage stamp survives the computer time
Rozhovor s významným trnavským filatelistom Jánom Mičkom o jeho živote učiteľa a filatelistu.27. 01. 2014
Nočná pyramida (the Night pyramid) on the Radio Slovensko radio station with Martin Činovský
Záznam z Nočnej pyramídy v Rádiu Slovensko s hosťom akad. mal. Martinom Činovským.25. 01. 2014
Prize of the Mayor of Galanta 2013
Informácia o udeľovaní Ceny primátora mesta Galanta 2013 a ďalších výročných ocenení, kde medzi ocenenými bol aj dlhoročný filatelista, publicista a zväzový funkcionár Ing. Vladimír Mrva. GRATULUJEME!!!Philatelic advertisements
20. 06. 2024
19. 04. 2024
01. 02. 2024