New issue of the journal SLOVENSKÁ FILATELIA 2024/1

Information on the publication of a new issue of the philatelic magazine SLOVENSKA FILATELIA, which brings current philatelic information and specialized articles in the field of philately and postage stamp collecting.

15. 04. 2024

Commemorative Postmark:
25th National Festival of Christian Theater Gorazdov Močenok

25th National Festival of Christian Theater Gorazdov Močenok
Day of use: 13. 07. 2017
Post office: MOČENOK
Colour: black

Angličtina / English

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Commemorative postmark used in Mocenok on the ocassion of the 25th National Festival of Christian Theater Gorazdov Močenok.

Text motifs: GORAZDOV MOČENOK (logotyp)

Pictorial motifs: Otvorená kniha s kresťanskými motívmi a textom - logo festivalu Gorazdov Močenok.

Thematic description and context:

XXV. ročník celonárodného festivalu kresťanského divadla Gorazdov Močenok vyhlasuje občianske združenie KREDIV v Močenku. Podujatie sa uskutoční v dňoch 13. - 16. júla 2017 v Močenku.

Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists