Issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2025

Updated issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2025. The overview of the pictures of all stamps already issued and stamps in the design phase can be found below the article.

18. 02. 2025

Personalised Stationery Envelope:
900th anniversary of the first written record about Piestany

900th anniversary of the first written record about Piestany
Date of Issue: 24. 05. 2013
Face value: T2 50g 
Amount printed: 3100

Angličtina / English

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Personalised Stationery Envelope with the stamp 40th anniversary of the ZSF with personalised coupon and imprint to the 900th anniversary of the first written record about Piestany.

Text motifs: Kupón známky - PIEŠŤANY / 1113 / 2013 / 900; Prítlač - Piešťany, Starý kláštor, / reliéf s postavou panovníka a dvomi anjelmi, 14. stor.

Pictorial motifs: Kupón známky - Symbolické modré vlnky; Prítlač - Reliéf s postavou panovníka s dvomi anjelmi. 14. stor.

Autor výtvarného návrhu známky: Dušan Grečner, akad. mal.
Autor kupónu známky: Adrian Ferda
Autor prítlače: Adrian Ferda
Predajná cena: 0,80 €

Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists