Technical Monuments: Bratislava Propeller

Commemorative postage stamp from the Technical Monuments series depicting the historic Bratislava propeller on the Danube river.

11. 04. 2025

New releases, inaugurations, the most beautiful stamps, competitions:
Byzantine mission is the first written mention of postal consignment

Byzantine mission is the first written mention of postal consignment
Author: Vojtech Jankovič
Published: 05. 07. 2013 15:11

Angličtina / English

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Zaujímavé informácie o vydaní poštovej známky v hárčekovej úprave 1150. výročie príchodu sv. Cyrila a Metoda na Veľkú Moravu.

Základné informácie:

Hárčeková úprava:

Poštová známka 1150. výročie príchodu sv. Cyrila a Metoda na Veľkú Moravu (hárčeková úprava)

Author: Vojtech Jankovič

Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists