Author: Marián Kováč

List of articles:

Postage stamp territories - West Irian (07.02.2020)

Article from the postage stamp territories area focused on the postal service in the western part of New Guinea.

Postage stamp territories - Russian Post in Levant (I.) (17.11.2015)

Article from the postage stamp territories area focused on the issue of postage stamps used in Russian Levant (1st part).

Postage stamp territories - Postal History of China and postage stamps used in contractual ports. (31.07.2013)

Príspevok z oblasti známkových území zameraný na poštovú históriu Číny a poštové známky používané v zmluvných prístavoch na jej území.

Postage stamp territories - Hopeh (Chihli) and Shantung under the government of Marshal Zhang Cuo-lin (16.01.2014)

Príspevok z oblasti známkových území zameraný na jednu emisiu poštových známok vydanú v roku 1928 pre použitie v čínskych provinciách Č´li (Chihli) a Šantung (Shantung).

Postage stamp territories - British Military Post in Egypt in the years 1932-39 (27.02.2015)

An article from the postage stamp territories area focused on the issue of postage stamps for the British Military Post in Egypt in years 1932-39.

Postage stamp territories - Formosa (18.02.2015)

Article from the postage stamp territories area focused on the issue of postage stamps for the island of Taiwan.

Postage stamp territories - Russian Post in Levant (II.) (23.03.2016)

Article from the postage stamp territories area focused on the issue of postage stamps used in Russian Levant (2nd part - sites CONSTANTINOPLE, JERUSALEM, MONT ATHOS, SALONIQUE, TREBIZONDE, and KERASUNDE).

Postage stamp territories - Russian Post in Levant (III.) (23.03.2016)

Article from the postage stamp territories area focused on the issue of postage stamps used in Russian Levant (3rd part - sites JAFFA, SMYRNA, METELIN, RIZEH, BEIRUT, and DARDANELES).

Postage stamp territories - Caribbean Netherlands (29.01.2017)

Article from the postage stamp territories area focused on the issues of postage stamps used in so called Caribbean Netherlands.

Postage stamp territories - Pao Tzu Ku (21.01.2018)

Article from the postage stamp territories area focused on the issue of postage stamps for the Bandit Mail Pao Tzu Ku.

Postage stamp territories - Thessaly - Greek territory occupied by the Ottoman Empire (20.12.2018)

Article from the postage stamp territories area focused onThessaly - Greek territory occupied by the Ottoman Empire.

Postage stamp territories - Port Arthur (27.09.2019)

Article from the Stamp Territories area devoted to the postal services in the Chinese harbor Port Arthur.

Postage stamp territories - East Timor (27.06.2020)

Article from the postage stamp territories area focused on the postal service in the eastern part of the island of Timor

Postage stamp territories - Audhali (12.10.2020)

Article from the postage stamp territories area focused on the stamp designs (essays) for the Sultanate of Audhali

Postage stamp territories - Courland (I) (26.02.2021)

Article from the stamp territories area dedicated to postal services in the areas of today Latvia (1st part).

Postage stamp territories - Courland (II) (26.02.2021)

Article from the stamp territories area dedicated to postal services in the areas of today Latvia (2nd part).

Postage stamp territories - Djibouti (11.06.2021)

Article from the field of stamp territories focused on the postage stamps used in the territory of the present State of Djibouti in North-East Africa.

Postage stamp territories - Order of the Knights of Malta (23.11.2022)

Article from the field of stamp territories focused on the history and postage service of the Order of the Knights of Malta - a sovereign non-state subject of international law based in Rome.

Postage stamp territories - Tierra del Fuego (14.07.2023)

Article from the field of stamp territories focused on the issue of stamps during the Gold Rush in Tierra del Fuego.

Postage stamp territories - Transnistria (29.03.2024)

Article from the field of stamp territories focused on the history and postal service of Transnistria.

Postage stamp territories - Saarland (15.02.2025)

Article from the field of stamp territories focused on the history and postal service of Saarland.

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