Offer of catalogs - Czechoslovakia, Slovakia, Slovak state, Czech Republic, Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia

Offer of catalogs focused on Czechoslovakia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, including the Slovak State 1913 - 1945 and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.

20. 03. 2025

Postal Materials

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30. 06. 2021
Demanovska Cave of Freedom (1921 - 2021)
Commemorative Postmark
Demanovska Cave of Freedom (1921 - 2021)
18. 06. 2021
International Collectors Fair Bratislava Collectors Days 2021 (postage stamp State motif)
Personalised adjusted printing sheet (PersUTL)
International Collectors Fair Bratislava Collectors Days 2021 (postage stamp State motif)
11. 06. 2021
Technical monuments: Solivar in Prešov
Postage Stamp
Technical monuments: Solivar in Prešov
26. 03. 2021
White Legion - Victims of Communism
Commemorative Postmark
White Legion - Victims of Communism
26. 03. 2021
150 years of the Velke Zaluzie post office
Commemorative Postmark
150 years of the Velke Zaluzie post office
16. 03. 2021
170th anniversary of the post office Turcianske Teplice
Commemorative Postmark
170th anniversary of the post office Turcianske Teplice
12. 03. 2021
Declaration of the Year of St. Joseph
Commemorative Postmark
Declaration of the Year of St. Joseph
05. 03. 2021
Easter 2021: Folk faience
Postage Stamp
Easter 2021: Folk faience
26. 02. 2021
Political trial with three bishops in 1951
Commemorative Postmark
Political trial with three bishops in 1951
15. 02. 2021
30th anniversary of the founding of the Visegrad Group
Commemorative Postmark
30th anniversary of the founding of the Visegrad Group
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Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists