Nationwide Collectors Bourse in Kosice (Slovakia)

Invitation to the Nationwide collectors bourse in Kosice (Slovakia).

25. 08. 2024

New releases, inaugurations, the most beautiful stamps, competitions

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06. 12. 2015

Mucha´s Piestany

Krátka reportáž doplnená fotografiami zo slávnostnej inaugurácie novej slovenskej poštovej známky Umenie: Alfonz Mucha – Buď pozdravený požehnaný prameň zdravia a sprievodných akcií v piešťanoch.

23. 11. 2015

Slovakia has a postage stamp with Polivka. It was donated to him by wasters

Information about a recession issue of a bogus postage stamp with Czech actor Bolek Polívka authors of which are Slovak postage stamps creators - artist and graphic designer Karol Felix and engraver František Horniak.

Information about recession issue of a postage stamp with a fictitious Czech actor Bolek Polivka, whose authors are the creators of Slovak stamps - a graphic artist and engraver Karol Felix Frantisek Horniak.

01. 01. 2015

The most beautiful stamps for 2014 are known

Press release of the Slovak Post to the announcement of the most beautiful postage stamps for 2014, on the traditional Day of Postage Stamp in Bratislava. Part of the event was the presentation of awards of the Union of Slovak Philatelists in several categories.

13. 09. 2014

Results of the public poll for the most beautiful Slovak stamp of 2013

Notification of the results the Public poll for the most Beautiful Slovak Stamp for 2013 announced by the Union of Slovak Philatelists in cooperation with the Slovak Post. Medial partners of the public poll:, FILATELIE journal and

26. 06. 2014

Public poll for the most beautiful Slovak stamp of 2013

Oznámenie o usporiadaní ankety o najkrajšiu slovenskú poštovú známku za rok 2013, ktorú vyhlasuje Slovenská pošta, a. s. v spolupráci so Zväzom slovenských filatelistov. Mediálnymi partnermi ankety sú:, časopis FILATELIE a

05. 05. 2014

Another success of the Slovak Post abroad!

Information on the success of the Slovak Post as its postage stamp „Martin Martinček (1913 – 2004)“ from the Art series won the 2nd place in the contest for the most beautiful European Union stamp „Grands Prix de l’Art Philatélique Belge et Européen“.

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Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists