Offer of the Philatelic Textbooks of the Union of Slovak Philatelists

I am offering for sale separately or as a whole all 35 published volumes of the Philatelic Textbooks of the Union of Slovak Philatelists in very good condition.

08. 01. 2025

Postage Stamp:
Personalities: Johann Andreas Segner (1704 - 1777)

Personalities: Johann Andreas Segner (1704 - 1777)
Date of Issue: 25. 05. 1994
Valid until: 31. 12. 2009
Face value: 8 Sk
Postage stamp dimensions: 30 x 23 mm
Printing sheet form: TL
Stamps in printing sheet: 50
Stamps in set: 2
Printing company: Poštovní tiskárna cenin, a.s., Praha, Czech Republic
Printing technique: Recess printing from flat plates
Amount printed: 7335000

Angličtina / English

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Postage stamp of the Personalities stamp series commemorating the 125th birth anniversary of the eminent physicist, doctor, astronomer, botanist, mathematician and inventor, author of so called Segner wheel Johann Andreas Segner, born in Bratislava.

Text motifs: Ján Andrej Segner / 1704 - 1777

Pictorial motifs: Portrét Jána Andreja Segnera, schéma princípu Segnerovho kolesa.

Postage stamp artwork: Robert Brun

Graphical design: Doc. akad. mal. Martin Činovský

Postage stamp engraving: Doc. akad. mal. Martin Činovský

Thematic description and context:

Ján Andrej Segner (9. 10. 1704 Bratislava - 5. 10.1777 Halle, Nemecko) - fyzik, lekár, mimoriadny prof. na univerzite v Jene, prof. matematiky, fyziky a chémie na univerzite v Göttingene, prof. fyziky a matematiky v Halle. V roku 1750 zhotovil tzv. Segnerovo koleso - reakčnú turbínu, vynález, ktorý mal veľký význam pre vznik prvých vodných turbín, neskôr viedol ku konštrukciám reaktívnych vodných motorov. Segnerovo koleso bolo, napriek nízkej účinnosti, priemyselne využívané. J. A. Segner bol členom Petrohradskej a Berlínskej akadémie a londýnskej Kráľovskej spoločnosti.

Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists