Informal friendly meeting of meeting of stamp and postcard collectors in Bratislava

Invitation to an informal friendly meeting of stamp and postcard collectors organized by the Philatelic Club KF 51–34 in Bratislava in cooperation with the Union of Slovak Philatelists (ZSF) and the philatelic information portal

04. 09. 2024

Postage Stamp:
Personalities: Wolfgang Kempelen (1734 - 1804)

Personalities: Wolfgang Kempelen (1734 - 1804)
Date of Issue: 12. 12. 1994
Valid until: 31. 12. 2009
Face value: 6 Sk
Postage stamp dimensions: 30 x 23 mm
Printing sheet form: TL
Stamps in printing sheet: 50
Stamps in set: 3
Printing company: Poštovní tiskárna cenin, a.s., Praha, Czech Republic
Printing technique: Rotary recess printing combined with intaglio printing
Amount printed: 3450000

Angličtina / English

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Postage stamp of the Personalities stamp series commemorating the 260th birth anniversary and the 190th death anniversary of the prominent Hungarian polytechnician and inventor Wolfgang Kempelen.

Text motifs: Wolfgang Kempelen / (1734 - 1804)

Pictorial motifs: Portrét Wolfganga Kempelena, ilustrácia z Kempelenovej štúdie ľudskej reči.

Postage stamp artwork: akad. mal. Jozef Baláž

Graphical design: Doc. akad. mal. Martin Činovský

Postage stamp engraving: Doc. akad. mal. Martin Činovský

Thematic description and context:

Wolfgang Kempelen (23. 1. 1734 Bratislava - 26. 3. 1804 Viedeň) - polytechnik, mechanik, vynálezca, riaditeľ soľných baní v Sedmohradsku, radca Uhorskej sedmohradskej kancelárie vo Viedni. V roku 1778 zostrojil hovoriaci automat na princípe napodobenia hlasových orgánov. Skonštruoval aj iné automaty, najznámejší je šachový automat a písací stroj pre slepcov. Postavil pontonový most cez Dunaj. Skonštruoval tlakový vodovod, ktorý zásoboval vodou z Dunaja bratislavský hrad. Navrhol vodomet pre cisárske sídlo vo Viedni.

Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists