Offer of the Philatelic Textbooks of the Union of Slovak Philatelists

I am offering for sale separately or as a whole all 35 published volumes of the Philatelic Textbooks of the Union of Slovak Philatelists in very good condition.

08. 01. 2025

Postage Stamp:
President of the Slovak Republic - Michal Kovac

President of the Slovak Republic - Michal Kovac
Date of Issue: 02. 03. 1993
Valid until: 31. 12. 2009
Face value: 2 Sk (without giving a currency symbol)
Postage stamp dimensions: 19 x 23 mm
Printing sheet form: TL
Stamps in printing sheet: 100
Stamps in set: 1
Printing company: Poštovní tiskárna cenin, a.s., Praha, Czech Republic
Printing technique: Rotary recess printing
Amount printed: 60111000

Angličtina / English

Use translation by Google Translate (no guarantee).

Definitive postage stamp with a portrait of the first Slovak president Michal Kovac.

Text motifs: Nie je.

Pictorial motifs: Portrét prvého prezidenta Slovenskej republiky Michala Kováča.

Postage stamp artwork: Doc. akad. mal. Martin Činovský

Postage stamp engraving: Doc. akad. mal. Martin Činovský

Thematic description and context:

Národná rada SR zvolila 16. februára 1993 tajným hlasovaním za prezidenta Slovenskej republiky Ing. Michala Kováča. Inaugurácia prezidenta sa uskutočnila v koncertnej sieni bratislavskej Reduty 2. marca 1993 a viedol ju predseda Národnej rady Ivan Gašparovič. Medzi najvýznamnejšími hosťami bol prezident Českej republiky V. Havel, Rakúska T. Klestil, Maďarska A. Göncz a Poľska L. Walesa.

Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists