Exchange meeting of collectors of coins, banknotes, stamps, postcards, badges in Bratislava (Slovakia)

Invitation to the collectors meeting of coins, banknotes, stamps, postcards, badges, pins etc. in Bratislava (Slovakia).

22. 02. 2025

Expert Events:
Spring meeting of OLYMPSPORT members in Brno

Spring meeting of OLYMPSPORT members in Brno
Location: Salónik Janáček v hoteli Voroněž 2 pri Výstavišti, Brno
Entry: Free (no admission)
Date: 08. 04. 2016

Angličtina / English

Use translation by Google Translate (no guarantee).

The traditional spring meeting of the of members and supporters of the OLYMPSPORT Czech association for Olympic and Sports Philately society this time in Brno during the Collectors Fair in Brno (Czech Republic).

Čas konania:
      8:00 - 12:00 - Veľtržného stretnutia zberateľov v Brne
      12:00 - 14:00 - oficiálne stretnutie OLYMPSPORTu

Všetci záujemci o športovú a olympijskú filateliu sú vítaní.

Specialized sections

Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists