Offer - Monograph of stamps of Slovakia 1939 to 1945 (both parts)

Offer of the new philatelic Monograph of Stamps of Slovakia 1939 to 1945 (2 parts) directly from the author.

30. 01. 2025

Post and postal services:
The last telegram in the world will be sent by India on Monday

The last telegram in the world will be sent by India on Monday
Author: Vojtech Jankovič
Published: 14. 07. 2013 07:46

Angličtina / English

Use translation by Google Translate (no guarantee).

Informácia o zaslaní posledného telegramu, čím sa celosvetovo ruší služba zasielania telegramov: Telegram bol súčasťou životov Indov 163 rokov, nahradili ho mobily a internet.

Základné informácie:

Author: Vojtech Jankovič

Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists