Offer of catalogs - Czechoslovakia, Slovakia, Slovak state, Czech Republic, Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia

Offer of catalogs focused on Czechoslovakia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, including the Slovak State 1913 - 1945 and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.

20. 03. 2025

Postal Card without Imprint:
10th anniversary of the entering of the Slovak Republic to the European Union

10th anniversary of the entering of the Slovak Republic to the European Union
Date of Issue: 14. 02. 2014
Face value: T2 50 g 
Amount printed: 1056000

Angličtina / English

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Postal (correspondence) pre-stamped card with round embossed stamp with text reminding the 10th anniversary of the entering of the Slovak Republic to the European Union.

Text motifs: Natlačená známka: 10. / VÝROČIE VSTUPU / SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY / DO EURÓPSKEJ ÚNIE; © Slovenská pošta 226 CDV 226/14

Pictorial motifs: Natlačená známka: symbolická žltá päťcípa hviezda.

Embossed stamp artwork: akad. mal. Vladislav Rostoka

Autor známky: akad. mal. Vladislav Rostoka
Predajná cena: 0,48 €

Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists