Articles from the web:
Austrian library put on the web 75 thousand historical postcards, Slovak cities are also on them

Use translation by Google Translate (no guarantee).
Encouraging information on the activity of the Vienna library, which published on its website a number of historic postcards from around the world.
- Článok: Rakúska knižnica dala na web 75-tisíc historických pohľadníc, sú na nich aj slovenské mestá
- Anotácia: Potešiteľná informácia o aktivite viedenskej Národnej knižnice, ktorá zverejnila na svojich internetových stránkach veľké množstvo historických pohľadníc z celého sveta.
- Autor: Filip Struhárik
- Dátum: 17. 8. 2015 12:58
- Zdroj: Denník N
Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek - AKON Ansichtskartenportal
Hint: Tools for automated translation from foreign languages
Many of these articles are written in Slovak, Czech, German or another foreign language. For those who do not speak these languages is recommended to use automatic translation via one of the most automated translation services:
Attention, all automatic translations are not guaranteed, some words are often translated by expressions that do not correspond to the terms used by philatelists and collectors stamps.
For example, the word 'známka' is automatically translated into English as 'mark', 'label', or 'grade' instead of - in this context - the proper 'stamp'; and opposite the word 'stamp' is automatically translated to Slovak as 'značka', 'odtlačok', 'kolok', 'pečiatkovať' instead of - in this context - the proper 'známka'. In this particular case, it is appropriate to correct the source to a 'poštová známka', respectively 'postage stamp', which significantly improves the quality of automated translati