New and Updated articles in the section Actual News - Specialized articles

Overview of new and updated articles in the section Actual News - Specialized articles, which is dedicated to specialized information for collectors of philatelic materials and all those interested in philately and postage stamps

11. 07. 2024

Philatelic magazines and periodicals:
New issue of the journal FEPA NEWS II Series No. 33 – June 2018

New issue of the journal FEPA NEWS II Series No. 33 – June 2018
Author: Vojtech Jankovič
Published: 15. 12. 2018 10:19

Angličtina / English

Use translation by Google Translate (no guarantee).

New issue of the journal the European Philatelic Federation FEPA NEWS II Series No. 33 – June 2018

Časopis FEPA NEWS II Series No. 33 – June 2018

Časopis Európskej filatelistickej federácie FEPA NEWS

Obsah čísla:

  • Impresum and Content
  • Open letter from the President
  • What happened in the second half of the year 2017
    • Annual FEPA Board Meeting
    • EXTREME 175 Years of Swiss Stamps
    • Meeting of FIP Board in Bulgaria
    • Back to Earth letters from International Space Station
    • Ankara “Ephemera in Philately”
    • EUROSCOUT 2018
    • EXPHIMO – Birdpex 2018
    • CIFO Award
    • ISRAEL 2018
  • News from the FEPA Family
    • Sweden
    • FYROM Macedonia
    • Slovenia
    • Netherlands
    • Greece
    • Italy
    • Iceland
    • Russia
    • Ireland
    • U.K.
    • Portugal
    • Obituaries
  • What happens in the second half of 2018
    • ESTEX 2018
    • PRAGA 2018
    • ODESSA 2018
    • EXFILNA 2018
    • Phila-TOSCANA 2018
    • MALMEX 2018
    • ITALIA 2018
  • FEPA Matters
    • Youth Corner – Monaco
    • Philatelic Anniversary – Jos Wolff
    • Picture Postcards Seminar
    • Debate on Open Philately
  • Literature Corner
    • Crashed Airmail and Deported to Villa Cisneros
    • Discover the Stamps
    • Venice and the Levant
  • Chris King Message – Election for FIP President
  • FEPA Family
    • Award Created for Giancarlo Morolli
  • Exhibition Calendar

Kompletný časopis:

PDF dokument Časopis Európskej filatelistickej federácie FEPA NEWS II Series No. 33 – June 2018

Ďalšie informácie:

Bližšie informácie o Európskej filatelistickej federácii FEPA nájdete na stránke FEPA News.

Specialized sections

Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists