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11. 07. 2024

Filatelistické časopisy a periodiká:
Nové číslo časopisu FIP Flash 125 – July 2018

Nové číslo časopisu FIP Flash 125 – July 2018
Autor: Vojtech Jankovič
Zdroj: www.f-i-p.ch
Publikované: 15. 10. 2018 02:32

Nové číslo informačného časopisu Svetovej filatelistickej federácie FIP Flash 125 – July 2018

Časopis FIP Flash 125 – July 2018

Časopis Svetovej filatelistickej federácie FIP Flash

Obsah čísla:

  • List of Exhibitions
  • The President's Page
  • Editorial
  • The FIP Board
    • Highlights of the 115th FIP Board of Directors Meeting in Brisbane on February 10, 2018
    • Meeting with Australian Philatelic Federation in Brisbane on February 11, 2018
    • The FIP Jury Academy – Training the Trainers in Malmo April 10 - 11, 2018
    • FIP Meeting with Member Federations in Sofia, Bulgaria, April 15, 2018
    • Highlights of the 116th FIP Board of Directors Meeting in Sofia on April 16, 2018
    • Highlights of the 117th FIP Board of Directors Meeting in Jerusalem on June 1, 2018
  • The FIP Commissions
    • FIP Thematic Seminar in International Convention Center, Jerusalem, May 31, 2018
    • Seminars to be held in PRAGA 2018 Specialised World Stamp Exhibition, Prague, August 15 – 18, 2018
    • 75th FIP Congress Commissions’ Meetings in Bangkok during THAILAND 2018 General World Stamp Exhibition November 28 – December 3, 2018
  • The Exhibitions
    • FIP JURY ACADEMY MAY 24 – 26, 2018
    • WSC ISRAEL 2018
    • PRAGA 2018 Specialized World Stamp Exhibition
  • The FIP Member Federations
    • Updating on the newly elected Presidents of Member Federations
    • Updating on the addresses of our Member Federations
  • The Associate members
  • Responsibilities
    • Responsibilities of the FIP Board of Directors

Kompletný časopis:

PDF dokument Časopis Svetovej filatelistickej federácie FIP Flash 125 – July 2018

Ďalšie informácie:

Bližšie informácie o Svetovej filatelistickej federácii FIP nájdete na stránke FIP Flash.

Filatelistickí partneri

POFIS - Poštová filatelistická služba
EXPONET - Virtuálna medzinárodná filatelistická výstava
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Filaso.cz ...alebo filatelisti pre seba
OLYMPSPORT - Česká asociácia pre olympijskú a športovú filateliu
ZSF - Zväz slovenských filatelistov