Color, philatelist and philately

Scientific treatise on color and color shades from the perspective of science and human perception and their significance in philatelic studies.

15. 02. 2025

Specialized articles

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05. 01. 2019

VI Peace Race 1953

A detailed overview of postage stamps and other postal documents related to the VI Peace Race 1953 with the comprehensive description of their philatelic particularities

Vojtech Jankovič
17. 10. 2018

O. Földes a S. Havlíček: Monografia celín Slovensko 1939 až 1945

Introduction and expert reviews on the O. Földes a S. Havlíček: MONOGRAFIA CELÍN SLOVENSKO 1939 AŽ 1945 (MONOGRAPH OF THE SLOVAKIA 1939 - 1945 STATIONERY) textbook.

Vojtech Jankovič (s použitím podkladov O. Földesa a recenzií P. Mikulaja a D. Kopřivu)
15. 10. 2018

Exhibiting of postcards (FEPA)

Excerpt from the rules of the competitive class of postacard on FEPA exhibition.

José Maron Moreno (Do slovenčiny preložil a texty v zátvorkách zaradil Alex Urminský)
15. 10. 2018

Minerals on stamps (IV.) - Nelson Mandela and minerals

The fourth part of the overview of postage stamps devoted not only to minerals and mineralogy but also to other related areas (gemmology, crystallography, meteoritics) as well as personalities, museums with expositions of minerals, precious stones in crown jewels, etc.

Daniel Ozdín
02. 10. 2018

Postal use of savings stamps

An article from the Russian stamp territories area devoted to the postal use of savings stamps in 1918 - 1922

Hynek Motal
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Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists