Issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2025
Updated issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2025. The overview of the pictures of all stamps already issued and stamps in the design phase can be found below the article.
Vojtech JankovičUpdated issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2025. The overview of the pictures of all stamps already issued and stamps in the design phase can be found below the article.
Vojtech JankovičOverview and brief content of all 35 volumes of Filatelisticke state ZSF (Philatelic Textbooks ZSF) issued in years 1982 1995.
Vojtech Jankovič, Michal ZikaInformation on the publication of a new issue of the philatelic magazine SLOVENSKÁ FILATELIA (SLOVAK PHILATELY), which brings current philatelic information and specialized articles in the field of philately and postage stamp collecting
Zdeněk Baliga (šéfredaktor)Information on the publication of a new issue of the philatelic magazine SLOVENSKÁ FILATELIA (SLOVAK PHILATELY), which brings current philatelic information and specialized articles in the field of philately and postage stamp collecting
Zdeněk Baliga (šéfredaktor)Updated issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2024. The overview of the pictures of all stamps already issued and stamps in the design phase can be found below the article.
Vojtech JankovičOverview of postage stamps, miniature sheets and other stamp products issued within the joint EUROPA 2016 stamp issues - Ecology in Europe - Think Green!
Pavol Ondráška, Vojtech JankovičOverview of so far published and yet planned volumes of MONOGRAPHS OF CZECHOSLOVAK STAMPS and MONOGRAPHS OF CZECHOSLOVAK AND CZECH STAMPS and POSTAL HISTORY.
Vojtech JankovičUpdated issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2023.
Vojtech JankovičPresentation of the issue of Czechoslovak postage stamps Jedovaté huby (Poisonous mushrooms) from 1989 with a focus on its thematic use and possibilities of specialization.
Karol Magda, Vojtech JankovičPresentation of the issue of Czechoslovak postage stamps Huby (Mushrooms) from 1958 with a focus on its thematic use and possibilities of specialization.
Karol Magda, Vojtech JankovičThe issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2022. The overview of the pictures of all stamps already issued and stamps in the design phase can be found below the article.
Vojtech JankovičMonitoring the story of the planned joint release Environmental Sustainability of ACT NOW negatively affected by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Vojtech Jankovič, Rudolf ŠulejThe issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2021. The overview of the pictures of all stamps already issued and stamps in the design phase can be found below the article.
Vojtech JankovičAn overview of Czechoslovak and Czech postage stamps and other materials dedicated to the unique illustrator and cartoonist Adolf Born.
Jaroslav ValapkaIdentification of factual errors, inaccuracies, and grammatical errors on Czechoslovak stamps and other postal materials.
Vojtech Jankovič a študenti Univerzity tretieho veku Žilinskej univerzityCircumstances of origin and the process of design and production of the first Austrian stamps as well as their detailed philatelic description accompanied by examples of actual postal use of stamps of all values on shipments sent from or to the territory of present-day Slovakia.
Pavel Lauko a študenti Univerzity tretieho veku Žilinskej univerzityArticle devoted to additional information on the "London Souvenir Sheet" issued on the occasion of the "Exhibition of Czechoslovak Stamps in London" in 1943.
Rudolf ŠulejContribution to a series of articles devoted to the rarest postage stamps in the world
študenti Univerzity tretieho veku Žilinskej univerzityIdentification of factual errors, inaccuracies, and grammatical errors on Slovak stamps and other postal materials.
Vojtech JankovičThe issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2020. The overview of the pictures of all issued stamps can be found below the article.
Vojtech JankovičA surprising finding of the original arrangement of a printing plate of Czechoslovak picture postcards
Michal ZikaA short report on the finding of a unique entire that would not be recognized by a collector who does not know ...
Jozef DžubákAn overview of found production errors on the Slovak postage stamp Philately.
Rudolf Šulej, Vojtech JankovičDemonstration of an interesting combination of stamps and signatures of living persons - Slovak presidents
Vojtech Jankovič