Ceremonial inauguration of the postage stamp Sport: 100th anniversary of table tennis in Slovakia in Bratislava (Slovakia)

Invitation to the ceremonial inauguration of the postage stamp Sport: 100th anniversary of table tennis in Slovakia, combined with the opening of the exhibition 100 years of duels with a small ball and the admission of new members to the Hall of Fame of the Slovak Table Tennis Association in Bratislava. (Slovakia).

14. 03. 2025

Pictorial Postal Card:
Exhibition Cyril and Methodius motifs on postage stamps (Christmas 2012: Birth of Christ)

Exhibition Cyril and Methodius motifs on postage stamps (Christmas 2012: Birth of Christ)
Date of Issue: 04. 07. 2013

Angličtina / English

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Celinová pohľadnica s natlačenou známkou Vianoce 2012: Narodenie Krista s celým obrazom Narodenie Krista pravdepodobne od Jozefa Ignaza Mildorfera na obrazovej strane pohľadnice + oficiálna prítlač k výstave Cyrilo-metodské motívy na poštových známkach.

Deň vydania: 16. 11. 2012
Nominálna hodnota známky: 0,40 €
Autor fotografie:
Autor prítlače: Anabela Kepáková
Grafická úprava: Adrian Ferda
Technika tlače:
Predajná cena: 0,95 €

Obrazová strana:

Celinová pohľadnica Vianoce 2012: Narodenie Krista

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Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors
Filaso.cz ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists