The offer of stamps from various European countries of the emission EUROPA 2016: Ecology in Europe - Think Green!

Special offer at bargain prices of mostly individual postage stamps from various European countries issued within the Joint EUROPA 2016 stamp issues - Ecology in Europe - Think Green!

01. 02. 2024

Exhibitions and exhibits:
Slovak exhibits at the FEPA Philatelic Exhibition ITALIA 2009 in Roma

Slovak exhibits at the FEPA Philatelic Exhibition ITALIA 2009 in Roma
Author: Vojtech Jankovič
Published: 10. 01. 2010 03:17

Angličtina / English

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Evaluation of Slovak exhibits at the FEPA Philatelic Exhibition ITALIA 2009 in Roma.

V dňoch 21. - 25. októbra 2009 sa v Ríme uskutočnila medzinárodná FEPA filatelistická výstava ITALIA 2009. Vďaka aktivite národného komisára Petra Osuského sa výstavy zúčastnili štyri slovenské exponáty (dva v triede námetovej filatelie, jeden v triede jednorámových exponátov a jeden v triede literatúry).

Výsledné hodnotenie slovenských exponátov:

Meno vystavovateľa Názov exponátu Výstavná trieda Medaila Počet bodov
Peter Osuský Like a Phoenix from its Ashes (Olympic Movement 1944 - 1952) Thematic Philately Vermeil 81
Ivan Trančík Winter Sports and Olympic Games Thematic Philately Silver 70
Peter Csicsay Cancellations of the postal agencies of Csallokoz (1902 - 1921) One frame Silver 78
Ondrej Földes Slovensko 1939 - 1945 - Specialised stamps and postal stationeries catalogue Literature Large Silver 76

Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists