Informal friendly meeting of meeting of stamp and postcard collectors in Bratislava

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22. 01. 2025

Thematic Philately:
Tribute to the First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to the First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately
Author: Vojtech Jankovič
Published: 08. 04. 2020 11:11
Updated: 23. 12. 2020 23:25

Overview of postal materials with a direct or indirect correlation to the COVID-19 corona pandemic
(Updated on 29th September 2020)

Tribute to the First Line Warriors (and tribute to those deceased)

The sad period of the worldwide corona virus COVID-19 pandemic remains unnoticed even in philately. Several postal administrations have decided to issue stamps to commemorate this tragic event, respectively as a tribute to those who fight dangerous contagion in the front lines: doctors, nurses, medical staff, scientists, firefighters, police, soldiers, and so on.
Another reason for issuing these postage items is the efforts to raise public awareness to take effective protection measures as the most effective means of combating this insidious disease.

With the following overview, we pay tribute to the heroes fighting against corona virus COVID-19 and at the same time to all those who have lost their lives or suffered health as a result of corona virus.

1. Postal Materials Directly Referring to the COVID-19 Corona Virus Pandemic - official


News - recently added/updated


2. Postal Materials Directly Referring to the COVID-19 Corona Virus Pandemic - not yet officially confirmed

3. Postal Materials Indirectly Referring to the COVID-19 Corona Virus Pandemic

4. Illegal stamps a materials Similar to Postage Stamps Abusing COVID-19 Corona Virus Pandemic

5. Used resources

_____ . _____

1. Postal Materials Directly Referring to the COVID-19 Corona Virus Pandemic - official

IRAN - Postage stamp

National Heroes (17th March 2020)

This postage stamp (18 000 Rial) depicts medical workers, a paramedic in protective mask, and a symbolic graphical representation of sars-cov-2 virus (COVID-19).

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VIETNAM - Postage stamps

Combined Forces Against COVID-19 (31st March 2020)

This pair of postage stamps (4 000 d and 15 000 d). The 4,000 d postage stamp depicts units fighting the pandemic, namely health care workers, soldiers and police, along with ordinary citizens they care for. The 15,000 d postage stamp depicts scientists, doctors in researching the vaccine, preventive medicines, and medical treatment needed to fight the virus.

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These postage stamps have been issued also as imperforated what is documented by the attached First Day Cover (FDC) with a FDC cancel HANOI 31/3/020 and date cancel SAIGON 31. 3. 2020.

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CHINA - Postage stamps

Tribute to the Front-line Fighters (planned issue on 7th April 2020 postponed to 11. 5. 2020)

The pair of postage stamps (2 x 1,20 yuan) issued in honor of the fighters against the corona virus SARS COVID-19 and in memory of those who succumbed to it. These postage stamps depict a paramedic in protective clothing and a pandemic combat unit, namely health care workers, soldiers and police officers. They are united to underline the collaboration between the inhabitants of the endless country: on the one hand soldiers, volunteers and researchers; on the other the world of healthcare.

The Chinese Post planned to issue two stamps as early as 7th April 7 2020. The original design was not approved (but published), so it was necessary to re-design it and prepare a new one. The new release date is set for 11th May 2020.

Comparison of the rejected (top) and accepted (bottom) stamp designs:

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Rejected stamp design + miniature stamp sheet not officialy issued.

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Accepted stamp design + miniature stamp sheet issued officially:

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

In addition, another stamp design for a pair of Chinese stamps has appeared on the Internet and social networks, which is most likely a complete hoax.

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In case of those preliminary designs not issued officially, beware! If they appear or are offered to you, they are probably forgery!

CHINA - Personalised souvenir sheet

Warriors against pandemic corona virus COVID-19 (April 2020)

with eight stamps "Heart and flowers" (8 x 1,20 yuan) and nine personalised coupons depicting various professions of warriors against pandemic corona virus COVID-19.
The personalised souvenir sheet was issued in a special folder with commemorative cover with special cancellation and stamp with another coupon "Hand in fist".

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

CHINA - Commemorative cancellations and cachets

COVID-19 corona virus pandemic and proliferation challenges (March/April 2020)

A number of commemorative cancellations and cachets have appeared on postal mails from China referring to the COVID-19 corona pandemic and calling for defense against it.

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

CHINA - Postal cachet

Delayed delivery due to Corona virus (April 2020)

Another collector's interesting area is postal (not commemorative) cachets, which highlight the problems in postal shipping caused by the COVID-19 Corona virus pandemic.
The attached image shows the shipment sent on 7th April 2020 from Pchjongjang in North Korea to Suzhon in China bearing probably a Chinese postal cachet informing about the reason of delayed delivery: "Delivery delayed due to COVID-19 / DELAYED".

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SPAIN - Personalized postage stamps (March/April 2020)

An interesting activity - that could be implemented in other countries as well - is the issue of personalized postage stamps in Spain.

Health Tribute Appreciation (March/April 2020)

The philatelic association Asfinca in Calahorra has asked the Spanish Post to issue a depicted personalized stamp with the aim to "thank the work people who do health in these difficult days for all".
This personalized postage stamp (symbolic value A) depicts the hospital building in Calahorra and the text: "HOMENAJE SANITARIOS AGRADECIMIENTO POR VUESTRA PROFESIONALIDAD".

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Thank you! (March/April 2020)

In Cadiz has asked the Spanish Post to issue a depicted personalized stamp with the aim to "thank the work people who do health in these difficult days for all".
This personalized postage stamp (symbolic value A) depicts the medical workers, symbolic clapping hands and the text: "GRACIAS / CORONAVIRUS CÁDIZ 2020".

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SWITZERLAND - Surcharge (or semi-) postage stamp

Solidarity with those Affected by the Virus COVID-19 (April 2020)

This surcharge (or semi-) postage stamp (1,00 + 5,00 SvFr) was issued in the sheets of 10 stamps, depicts the symbolism of the medical cross and the population of people with raised hands and the call for solidarity with the affected COVID-19 virus in four languages:" COVID-19 / Solidaridad / Solidarieta / Solidarité / Solidarität".

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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Pandemic COVID-19 (June 2020)

Postage stamp (2,70) shows a figure in protective clothing creating a symbolic wall against the corona virus COVID-19 and the text: "PANDEMIJA COVID - 19" (= Pandemic COVID-19).

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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UNITED KINGDOM - Slogan machine cancellation

Stay home - Saves lives (31st March 2020)

This slogan machine cancellation calls on people to stay at home and thus save lives by the NHS = National Health Service with text: "Stay HOME / PROTECT THE NHS / SAVE LIVES / Royal Mail - keeping / communities connected".

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UNITED KINGDOM - Slogan machine cancellation

Happy 100th Birthday Captain Thomas Moore (30th April 2020)

This slogan machine cancellation celebrates the 100th Birthday Captain Thomas Moore, who managed to raise more than L 32 million for the NHS (National Health Service) in the fight against the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic with the text: "Happy 100th Birthday / Captain Thomas Moore / NHS fundraising hero".

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IRELAND - Prepaid postcards

#WriteNow (April 2020)

An Post is hoping that people will write a personal message to a loved one and post it free of charge in order to encourage people to 'come together by staying apart'. 5,000,000 postcards have been produced by to enable people to post a message of love and support to special people in their lives ho they may be missing. Two specially-designed postcards will be delivered to Ireland’s 1.8 million households over the coming week, and additional cards will be available at local post offices.
"Write to your grand-parents or older relatives and friends who are self-isolating; write to someone who is living alone or who could do with a boost” explained An Post CEO, David McRedmond.
"Send a note to your cousins or friends. Let them know you’re thinking of them. Send thanks to our outstanding healthcare and all those working so hard to get us through the crisis. Then pop the postcards in the postbox when you’re out for a walk – there’s no need for a stamp."

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

IRELAND - Slogan machine cancellation

Stay at Home (9th April 2020)

Slogan machine cancellation calls on people to stay at home by the HSE.IE = Health Services in Ireland with the text: "Stay at / Home /".

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ISLE OF MAN - Postage stamps

Carry Us Through (4th May 2020)

Series of eight postage stamps CARRY US THROUGH, which depict various emotions, feelings, activities enabling people to carry us trough - critical times: LOVE, FAITH, CARE, COMPASSION, WORK, COMMUNITY, WORDS and SCIENCE. The stamps will be issued in a standard version with glue and also in a slightly different design as self-adhesive (vending) stamps with a uniform postage for a 1st class letter.

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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USA - Prepaid card

President´s Trump Corona virus Guidelines for America (16. 3. 2020)

President Trump's administration, in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has prepared an official card with instructions printed on how to behave during the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic and what to do to slow the spread of the disease. The card was sent to about 130 million households throughout the United States. Given that this is an official prepaid card, we can consider it a relevant postal document, respectively. philatelic material.

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

USA - Machine propagation cancel

Fleet Week in New York cancelled due to corona virus (27th May 2020)

Machine propagation cancel used on the USS Theodore Roosevelt military ship informs about the cancellation of the Fleet Week event in New York due to corona virus COVID-19 pandemic with the text: "FLEET WEEK NEW YORK CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA VIRUS".
The image of the entire is taken from the blog: US Navy-Schiffspost.

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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GERMANY - Postal cachet

Back to the sender - Postal traffic to the country of destination is currently interrupted (April 2020)

German Post, probably the central international post office in Frankfurt am Main, uses for shipments to countries with postal shipments interrupted a special postal cachet with the text: "Zurück an der Absender / Postverkehr mit dem Bestimmungsland / ist momentan unterbrochen / Die wiederaufnahme ist zur Zeit nich absehbar / Niederlassung Internationale Post 1 / 60544 Frankurt am Main" (= Back to the sender / Postal traffic to the country of destination is currently interrupted / The resumption is currently not foreseeable / International Post office 1 / 60544 Frankfurt am Main).

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

GERMANY - Internet stamps with pre-defined motifs

Thanks to all heroes and heroines and We stay at home (since 1st May 2020)

The German Post's Internet service, called Internetmarke for the preparation of Internet stamps, makes it possible to use two predefined motifs related to the fight against the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic from 1 May 2020. One motif depicts a stylized heart hug and text: "Vielen Dank Allen Heldinnen und Helden! (= Thanks to all heroes and heroines) and the second motif shows a house with a heart and text: "Wir bleiben Zuhause" (We stay at home).

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

GERMANY - Personalised stamps with pre-defined motifs

Thanks to all heroes and heroines, We stay at home, Stay healthy, Stay at home and collect postage stamps (since 1st May 2020)

German post as part of the BRIEFMARKE INDIVIDUELL service prepared two pairs of self-adhesive personalized stamps with predefined motifs related to the fight against the pandemic of the corona virus COVID-19. One pair of motifs depicts a stylized heart hug and text: "Vielen Dank Allen Heldinnen und Helden! (= Thanks to all heroes and heroines) and little house with heart supplied by the text: "Wir bleiben Zuhause" (We stay at home). The second pair of motifs shows the text: "BLEIB GESUND / BLEIB ZU HAUSE / sammelt Briefmarken! (= Stay health / Stay at home / collect postage stamps!) a "#STAY HOME / COLLECT STAMPS!".

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

GERMANY - Propagation machine cancellations

Together against Corona, protect yourself and others (since 1st July 2020)

In 99 postal processing centers, the German Post prepared promotional machine cancellations with one or two advertising inserts with a single motif (stylized heart hug) and texts related to the fight against the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic.: "GEMEINSAM / GEGEN CORONA / SICH SELBST / UND ANDERE / SCHÜTZEN… (= Together against Corona / Protect yourself and others...). List of all 99 postal centers with additional information: Stempel & Informationen - WERBESTEMPEL IN BRIEFZENTREN

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GERMANY - Blue meter mark

Maintain distance, stay healthy (27th May 2020)

The Leipzig Post Office uses a meter machine with a blue information text calling for compliance with measures against the spread of the COVID-19 corona virus: "Haltet Abstand / Bleibt Gesund" (= Maintain distance / stay healthy).

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GERMANY (Private city posts) - Postage stamps

Stay at Home, Write instead of visiting, Stay healthy (April 2020)

Several private city post services (e.g. arriva, LMP, Brief und mehr) have issued their own postage stamps calling for compliance with measures against the spread of COVID-19 corona virus: "STAY AT HOME" (LMF), Schreibt stat Besuchen / Gemeinsam gegen Corona" (arriva), "Bleiben sie gesund" and " STAY HOME, SAVE Lives" (Brief und mehr).

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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CROATIA - Commemorative cancellation

Croatia and the world against the corona virus pandemic COVID-19 (30. 4. 2020)

Commemorative cancellation calling for a Croatian and global fight against the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic with the text: "HRVATSKA I SVIJET PROTIV PANDEMIJE / KORONAVIRUSA COVID-19" (= Croatia and the world against the corona virus pandemic COVID-19).
The cancel appeared on several standard "Dan Hrvatske pošte" (= Day of the Croatia Post) postal cards, most likely with private imprints (at least 6 different ones), so they cannot be considered a proper full-featured philatelic material.

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LIECHTENSTEIN - Personalised souvenir sheet

Stay strong Wu-Han (March/April 2020)

Commemorative personalized souvenir sheet with two stamps (2 x 1.00 SvFr.) calling for a support for the city of Wu-Han in the fight against the pandemic of corona virus COVID-19 with text: "Stay strong Wu-Han"; the stamps depict the details of the Chinese and Liechtenstein flags and joined hands.
It is a personalized souvenir sheet that everyone can prepare ( service), however, a non-standard pictorial background (Vaduz Castle and the Great Wall of China) and added texts (Greetings from "Kingdom of Stamps"), and especially only two stamps with a coupon in-between (the standardized service offers only three stamps) indicate that it was created directly by the Liechtenstein Post.

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LIECHTENSTEIN - Personalised souvenir sheet

I am thinking of you - Handwritten is personal & brings us closer together (20. 3. 2020)

Commemorative personalized souvenir sheet with three stamps (3 x 1.00 SvFr) calling for a personal letter-writing during the pandemic of corona virus COVID-19 with text: "Handgeschriebenes ist persönlich & bringt uns näher zusammen" (= Handwritten is personal & brings us closer together); the stamps depict the symbol of heart and text “i denk a di,” (= I am thinking of you). The middle 1.00 SvFr stamp shows a symbolic pair of hands releasing flowers and foliage, while the other two 1.00 SvFr stamps depict a hummingbird and foliage emerging from an envelope.
It is a personalized souvenir sheet that everyone can prepare ( service), however, this on was created directly by the Liechtenstein Post who has partnered with the private initiative Corona Help Liechtenstein to launch a letter-writing campaign to connect people who don’t know each other. According to the Liechtenstein Post the stamps were issued in 20-stamps printing sheets as well.

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MOROCCO - Surcharge (or semi-) postage stamp

Morocco is against COVID-19 (7th May 2020)

Surcharge (or semi-) postage stamp (3.75 + 5.00 Dirhams) with surcharge for the COVID-19 funds calling for the united fight against the pandemic of corona virus COVID-19 with text: "Le Maroc uni contre le COVID-19" (= Morocco is against COVID-19); the stamp depicts various professions that help in the fight against the corona virus COVID-19.

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UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - souvenir sheet

#ThankYouHeroes COVID-19 (10th May 2020)

Souvenir sheet with one stamp (19 AED) with thanks to heroes in the fight against the pandemic of corona virus COVID-19 with text: "#ThankYouHeroes / COVID-19"; the sheet depicts various professions (note the doctor without a protective mask) that help in the fight against the corona virus COVID-19.

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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URUGUAY - Postage stamp

National Corona Virus Plan COVID-19 (13th May 2020)

Commemorative postage stamp ($ 25) promoting a National Corona Virus Plan for the fight against the pandemic of corona virus COVID-19 with texts: "Plan Nacional Coronavirus COVID-19" (= National Corona Virus Plan COVID-19), contact phone number 0800 1919, hashtag #NosCuldamosEntreTodos (= We take care of each other) and depictions of people of different races with protective masks and the symbolism of the corona virus COVID-19.

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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INDIA - Commemorative cancellation

Corona warriors (21st April. 2020)

Commemorative cancellation resembling COVID-19 corona virus warriors with V-shaped fingers and text: "CORONA WARRIORS".

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

INDIA - Commemorative cancellation

Behind the mask (26th May. 2020)

Commemorative postage stamp recalling measures against the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic with a map of India hidden behind a protective mask supplied by the text: "COVID-19 GLOBAL PANDEMIA / MAINTAIN SOCIAL DISTANCING / STAY HOME STAY SAFE / TOGETHER WE CAN FIGHT COVID-19 / BEHIND THE MASK").

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

INDIA - Commemorative cancellation

Respect Social Distancing (24th April 2020)

Commemorative cancellation calling for respecting social distancing among people the fight against the pandemic of corona virus COVID-19 with text: "Respect Social Distancing" and depicting a pictogram of a man with outstretched arms and legs in the shape of arrows.

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

INDIA - Commemorative postcards

We Salute the Corona Warriors (24th April 2020)

Four commemorative postcards issued by the India Post without pre-printed (embossed) stamp calling for saluting corona warriors in the fight against the pandemic of corona virus COVID-19 with text: "We Salute the Corona Warriors" and depicting many professions and their activities in the fight against the corona virus (police officers, soldiers, doctors, nurses, medical staff, firefighters, postmen, cleaners, ...).

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately
Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately
Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately
Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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MONACO - Postage stamp

All facing COVID-19 (3rd June 2020)

Commemorative postage stamp (1,16 €) calling for the fight against the pandemic of corona virus COVID-19 with text: "ENSEMBLE FACE AU COVID-19" (= All facing COVID-19); the stamp depicts the face of Prince Albert II with his hands holding a transparent globe, and words extracted from his message: "Patience" (= Patience), "Confiance" (= Trust), "Courage" (= Courage), "Solidarité" (= Solidarity) and his signature.

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GUERNSEY - Postage stamps

#GuernseyTogether (July 2020)

Commemorative eight postage stamps document through children eyes the pandemic of corona virus COVID-19 by children drawings.
The Guernsey Post announced the launch of a competition inviting local children across the Bailiwick to create a piece of artwork, which could be selected to feature on a special set of 12 stamps on the theme #GuernseyTogether. All proceeds of sale from the stamps will be donated between two COVID-19 local charities.

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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ALDERNEY - Postage stamps

#AlderneySpirit (July 2020)

Commemorative four postage stamps document through children eyes the pandemic of corona virus COVID-19 by children drawings.
The Guernsey Post are inviting local children to design a stamp marking this historic period we find ourselves in as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This special stamp issue called #AlderneySpirit will be due out later this year and proceeds will raise money for the Alderney Helping Hands appeal.

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GUINEA-BISSAU - Souvenir sheet

Stop COVID-19 (May 2020)

One-stamped silk souvenir sheet (10 000 FCFA) symbolizing the corona virus COVID-19 trapped behind bars in the form of a globe with the text: "STOP COVID-19".

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GUINEA-BISSAU - Souvenir sheets

Stop COVID-19 (May 2020)

Two round sheets with one round stamp (3300 FCFA) and four round stamps (4 x 800 FCFA) (joint issue with the Central African Republic and Tajikistan) symbolizing the crossed-out corona virus COVID-19 in the background with a globe and various symbols related to anti-proliferation measures (e.g. the symbols of the Red Cross and the World Health Federation (WHO)) with the text: "STOP COVID-19".

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Stop COVID-19 (May 2020)

Two round sheets with one round stamp (3300 FCFA) and four round stamps (4 x 800 FCFA) (joint issue with the Guinea-Bissau and Tajikistan) symbolizing the crossed-out corona virus COVID-19 in the background with a globe and various symbols related to anti-proliferation measures (e.g. the symbols of the Red Cross and the World Health Federation (WHO)) with the text: "STOP COVID-19".

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Penny Black against COVID-19 (May 2020)

Souvenir sheet with six stamps (6 x 550 FCFA) (joint issue with Sierra Leone) depicting the first postage stamp Penny Black with various protective masks with the text: "LE PENNY BLACK / CONTRE COVID-19".

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SIERRA LEONE - Souvenir sheet

Penny Black against COVID-19 (May 2020)

Souvenir sheet with six stamps (6 x 550 FCFA) (joint issue with the Central African Republic) depicting the first postage stamp Penny Black with various protective masks with the text: "THE PENNY BLACK / AGAINST COVID-19".

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DJIBOUTI - Postage stamps and souvenir sheet

Fight against COVID-19 and homage to doctor Li Wenliang (May 2020)

Series of four postage stamps (4 x 250 FD) depicting various aspects of the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic (Diamond Princess luxury ship, COVID-19 corona virus, Doctor Li Wenliang, FOTON G9 special ambulance) and a single-stamp sheet (1000 FD) with a portrait of the doctor Li Wenliang.

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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NEW ZEALAND - Postage stamps in souvenir sheet

New Zealand Bear Hunt (April 2020)

Series of six stamps (3 x 1,30 NZD and 3 x 2,60 NZD) depicting teddy bears in a sheet with the text: "NEW ZEALAND BEAR HUNT / SUPPORTING NZ RED CROSS"; one bear on the NZD 2.60 stamp has a protective mask.
During the constraints caused by the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic, New Zealand families enjoyed themselves by the phenomenon of bear hunting. Through the simple act of placing a teddy bear in the window of their homes or other places, New Zealanders were able to create a magical experience for children (and large children) during that stressful time.
The six-stamp sheet contains a NZD 3.00 donation to the Red Cross in New Zealand.

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately
Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately
Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately
Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately
Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately
Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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CANADA - Information machine cancellation

Thanks, healthcare workers (since 1st May 2020)

Information machine cancellation used since 1st May 2020 at all Canadian postal processing centers to thank healthcare professionals in the fight against the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic with the text (French/English): "Personnel soignant, merci / Thanks, healthcare workers".

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MALAYSIA - Propagation machine cancellation

You Stay At Home, We Deliver (24th March 2020)

Propagation machine cancellation urging people to stay at home and their shipments will be delivered in the fight against the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic with the text: "You Stay At Home, We Deliver / Do your part to stop the spread of COVID-19".

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Taiwan Can Help (... 2020)

Two postage stamps (13 and 15) issued in the miniature sheet of 16 stamps with coupons between the stamps show healthcare professionals and measures to limit the spread of corona virus COVID-19, coupons with the text: "Taiwan Can Help".

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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SLOVAKIA - Commemorative cancellation

Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows protect us from the corona virus (29th May. 2020)

Commemorative cancellation depicts Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows in the background with bif corona virus COVID-19 and text: "Sedembolestná Panna Mária ochráň nás pred koronavírusom" (= Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows protect us from the corona virus).

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SLOVAKIA - Postage stamp

COVID 19 (21st August. 2020)

Commemorative stamp (2 €) depicts female face with protective veil and symbolic drawing of corona virus COVID-19 with the text (30x): "COVID 19".

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TOGO - Souvenir sheet

Stop COVID-19 (May/June 2020)

Souvenir sheet with one stamp (10000 F) shows a crossed-out corona virus in the middle with human lungs calling for measures to limit the spread of corona virus COVID-19 with the text: "STOP COVID-19 / SAUVER DES VIES" (= Stop COVID-19 / Save lives).

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UKRAINE - Postage stamp

COVID-19 Front-line (29th May 2020)

Postage stamp (symbolic value V) shows the double face of a medical worker with a veil and a soldier with a veil as representatives of the first front line in the fight against corona virus COVID-19 with the text: "????????" (= Front-line).
Some sources state that the portrait of a soldier refers to the military front line on Donbas ...

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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CZECH REPUBLIC - Postage stamps

We thank you (24th June 2020)

Se-tenant pair of postage stamps (2 x symbolic value B) shows six protective veils with different printing (e.g. Red Cross, Czech Post, army, firemen) as a thank you to all those deployed in the fight against corona virus COVID-19 with the text: "Děkujeme" (= We thank you).

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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GABON - Souvenir sheets

200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale and the COVID-19 Pandemic (24th June 2020)

Four-stamp souvenir sheet (4 x 650 F) depicts various aspects of the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic and a single-stamped souvenir sheet (3000 F) depicts the COVID-19 corona virus symbol, protective equipment, disinfectant spray and corona virus spread map, both with the text: "200éme anniversaire de Florence Nightingale (1820 - 1910)" (= 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale).

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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BRASIL - Souvenir sheet

Fight against COVID-19 (8th July 2020)

Six-stamp souvenir sheet (6 x R$ 2,05) depicts various aspects of the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic and the COVID-19 corona virus symbol with the text: "COMBATE A COVID-19 / SEJA CONSCIENTE, SEJA RESPONSAVEL, SEJA SOLIDÁRIO" (= Fight against COVID-19 / be aware, be responsible, be supportive).

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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GREECE - (Personalised) miniature sheets

Thank you everyone (June 2020)

Official miniature sheet with four personalised self-adhesive stamps (4 x 1,00 €) depicting a four-segment jigsaw puzzle representing four important professions in the fight against the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic with the text: "THANK YOU EVERYONE"

We stayed home and won (June 2020)

Official miniature sheet with four personalised self-adhesive stamps (4 x 1,00 €) depicting a jigsaw puzzle with four segments and a man on a ladder as symbols of the fight against the corona virus pandemic COVID-19 with the text: "WE STAYED HOME AND WON"

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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LEBANON - Postage stamp

Thank you to our caring heroes (July 2020)

Postage stamp (2000 L. L.) depicts a heart with a cardiogram, French and Arabic texts as challenges in the fight against the corona virus pandemic COVID-19: "Merci a nos héros soignants (= Thank you to our caring heroes)" and red "Thanks, consideration and gratitude" and black "to all those who left those they love to care for those we love"

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Another proposal for a Lebanese stamp has appeared on the Internet and social networks, which is most likely a complete bogus/fake - the issue of this stamp has not yet been confirmed by the Lebanon postal administration, so beware!

Lebanon's victory over corona virus (July 2020)

Postage stamp (3000 L. L.) depicts a hand in fist protruding from a globe surrounded by viruses supplied by the text: "Victoire du Liban sur le Virus Corona" (= Lebanon's Victory over the Corona Virus)

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LUXEMBOURG - Personalised souvenir sheet

Luxembourg in times of COVID-19 (June 2020)

Commemorative personalized souvenir sheet with eight stamps (8 x 0,80 €) shows children's drawings (children 8 - 12 years) of various activities during the pandemic of the corona virus COVID-19 with the text: "LËTZEBUERG AN ZÄITE VU COVID-19 (= Luxembourg in times of COVID-19)
It is a personalized souvenir sheet prepared and offered on its website by the Luxembourg Post using its service for the production of personalized philatelic products (service Sheet

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SOUTH SUDAN - Postage stamps and souvenir sheet

Struggle Against COVID-19 Pandemic (July 2020)

Commemorative postage stamps and souvenir sheet are depicting a globe and figures representing the health professions in the front lines in the fight against the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic supplied by the text: "STRUGGLE AGAINST COVID-19 PANDEMIC" and "Tribute to healthcare personnel".

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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We are all in this together - Help stop the spread of COVID-19 (11th August 2020)

Souvenir sheet with six stamps presents six key public health messages by UN and WHO to help stop the spread of COVID-19, namely Personal Hygiene; Myth-Busting; Physical Distance; Spread Kindness; Know the Symptoms; and Solidarity.
The UN Postal Administration is issuing these stamps to support the COVID Solidarity Response Fund organized by WHO. A surcharge of 50 cents for the New York denominations, CHF 0,50 for the Geneva values and € 0,50 for the Vienna values has been added to each stamp. These surplus funds will go directly to supporting COVID suppression efforts. The words "thank you" in various world languages are written on the protective veil of the displayed healthcare worker.

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UNITED NATIONS (NEW YORK) - Information cachet

The new Corona virus was named COVID-19 by WHO (February - April 2020)

Information cachet informs on the fact that the new corona virus was named COVID-19 by WHO. The information cachet was used on shipments sent from the UN in New York.

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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ANDORRA - Information stickers and strips

Stay at home, CORONA VIRUS and information about the closure of local post offices (March - July 2020)

At the post offices in Andorra, they used their own information stickers or strips of text to inform about problems with receiving mail from and sending mail abroad during the COVID-19 coronary pandemic (Queda´t a casa - Stay at home).

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately
Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately
Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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TAJIKISTAN - Postage stamps and special miniature sheet

United against COVID-19 (July 2020)

Series of six commemorative postage stamps, each with one letter of the word UNITED and depicting various aspects of the fight against COVID-19, and a special miniature sheet with all the stamps calling for unification in the fight against the spread of the COVID-19 corona virus with the text: "UNITED against COVID-19". Stamps and miniature sheet have been issued also as imperforated.

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

TAJIKISTAN - Postage stamps in souvenir sheets

Stop COVID-19 (July 2020)

Two round sheets with one round stamp (50.00) and four round stamps (4 x 12.70) (joint issue with the Central African Republic and Guinea-Bissau) symbolizing the crossed-out corona virus COVID-19 in the background with a globe and various symbols related to anti-proliferation measures (e.g. the symbols of the Red Cross and the World Health Federation (WHO)) with the text: "STOP COVID-19". Stamps and souvenir sheets have been issued also as imperforated.

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately>

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ALGERIA - Red meter mark

Save lives, stay home (23rd August 2020)

Red meter mark of the Crédit Populaire d´Algérie Bank calls for saving lives in the wake of the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic with the text: "SAUVES DES VIES / RESTEZ CHEZ VOUS" (= Save lives / Stay home).

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

ALGERIA - Red meter mark

Together we can fight against COVID-19 (10th September 2020)

Red meter mark calls for a fight against the corona virus COVID-19 pandemic with the text: "Ensemble nous pouvons lutter contre le COVID-19" (= Together we can fight against COVID-19).

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COLOMBIA - Postage stamp in miniature sheets

Fight against COVID-19 in Colombia (7th September 2020)

Postage stamp ($10.000) calls for a fight against the corona virus COVID-19 pandemic with the text: "Lucha contra el COVID-19 en Colombia / Reescribe su historia" (= Fight against COVID-19 in Colombia / Rewrite its history).

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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SINGAPORE - Postage stamps and souvenir sheet

Quirks in the Island City (7th August 2020)

Set of five postage stamps and a souvenir sheet devoted to specific quirks in the Island City of Singapore; two stamps and the stamp in the souvenir sheet have connection with measures to combat the corona virus COVID-19 pandemic in the form of images and texts: "Quirks in the Island City", "WEFIE" - group mobile selfie (with protective veils), "MUST QUEUE / 1 m safe distance", "WFH - Work from home"

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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VATICAN - Aerogramme

Martyrs and the heroes of the corona virus (10th September 2020)

Aerogramme dedicated to the victims and heroes of the fight against the corona virus COVID-19 pandemic with the text: "Martiri e gli eroi del coronavirus" (= Martyrs and the heroes of the corona virus)

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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THAILAND - Postage stamps

Together we fight against COVID-19 (14th August 2020)

Pair of se-tenant stamps dedicated to activities in the fight against the corona virus COVID-19 pandemic with the text: "Together we fight against COVID-19"

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

THAILAND - Postal cards with cachet

Stay safe and care / Fighting COVID-19 (14th August 2020)

Two standard postal cards with an official hand-stamped cachet by the Thailand Post calling for action to combat the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic with the text: "Stay safe and care / Fighting COVID-19"

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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PORTUGAL - Commemorative postmark

Sports in the COVID age (18th June 2020)

Commemorative postmark to support sports during the pandemic of the corona virus COVID-19 with the text: "O DESPORTO NA ERA DO COVID" (= SPORTS IN THE COVID AGE)

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

PORTUGALSKO - Postage stamps

500 years of the CTT post - postal services during the period of COVID-19 (9th October 2020)

Commemorative postage stamps for the 500th anniversary of the CTT post with the motifs of postal employees with protective veils and shields (5 different activities - postal shops, distribution, support services, transport, processing) during the pandemic of the coronavirus COVID-19

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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SULTANATE OF OMAN - Souvenir sheet of postage stamps

Oman Faces Corona COVID-19 (22nd June 2020)

Souvenir sheet of two postage stamps calling for action to combat the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic with the text: "Oman Faces Corona / Covid - 19"

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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AUSTRIA - Surcharge (or semi-) postage stamp on toilet paper

Distance that connects us (November/December 2020)

Surcharge (or semi-) postage stamp (2,75 € + 2,75 €) in a special arrangement on toilet paper drawing attention to the need to maintain a safe distance of 1 meter (the size of a baby elephant compared to small animals) in the fight against the pandemic of corona virus COVID-19 with the text: "Distanz, die uns verbindet." (= Distance that connects us.)

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2. Postal Materials Directly Referring to the COVID-19 Corona Virus Pandemic - not yet officially confirmed

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - (Personalized) stamp

Pandemic COVID-19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the World (April 2020)

This postage (probably personalized) stamp (0,90 M) depicts two COVID-19 viruses as two zeros in 2020 and a text: "PANDEMIJA COVID-19 U BIH I SVIJETU 2020" (= Pandemic COVID-19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the World).

IMPORTANT NOTE: The issue of this stamp has not yet been confirmed by the Bosnia and Herzegovina postal administration.

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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INDONESIA - Postage stamps

Give Corona No Chance! Stay at Home (April 2020)

Two pairs of postage stamps (2 x 3000 Rup and 2 x 5000 Rup) - probably stamp designs, in worse case forgeries (hoax), so beware!
The first pair depicts people with masks, rescue services and medical units. The second pair depicts a rescuer in a protective clothing and multiple COVID-19 viruses and red blood cells with a challenge: "GIVE CORONA NO CHANCE! / STAY AT HOME".

IMPORTANT NOTE: The issue of this stamp has not yet been confirmed by the Indonesia postal administration. According to the latest information, this is probably a bogus/fake, so beware!

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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SRI LANKA - Postage stamp

Virus Eradication COVID-19 (... 2020)

Postage stamp (45.00) displays the COVID-19 virus and the indication of its spread in the states of the world, the flag of Sri Lanka and the World Health Organization logo supplied by the text: "Virus Eradication COVID-19".

IMPORTANT NOTE: The issue of this stamp has not yet been confirmed by the Sri Lanka postal administration. According to the latest information, this is probably a bogus/fake, so beware!

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3. Postal Materials Indirectly Referring to the COVID-19 Corona Virus Pandemic

Among the indirectly referenced philatelic materials we could (more precisely: we will probably be able to) include those that will be issued to events that have been postponed or even cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

First of all, we mean the XXXII Summer Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, originally planned for 2020, but moved to 2021 - a lot of postage stamps and other items will surely come out. If the OG organizers will not change the name, logo and all other related elements - which is not foreseen - there will be a strange paradox: postage stamps will bear year 2020 in the title and logo, but will not be published until 2021. And this paradox would appear, of course, also on postage stamps as a clear reference to the reasons for such unusual publishing activity caused by the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic. It will be apparent mainly on those postage stamps with inscription of the year of issue 2021.

NORTH MACEDONIA - Postage stamp

XXXII Summer Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 - Karate (January 2020)

Postage stamp of North Macedonia to the XXXII Summer Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 was issued well in advance and therefore bears the Olympic indications - the official logo and the year of issue 2020.

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CYPRUS - Postage stamps

XXXII Summer Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 - Gymnastics, Disc Throw, Pole Vault, Marathon (March 2020)

Four-stamp series of Cyprus to the XXXII Summer Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 was issued just before the outbreak of the pandemic and therefore all stamps bear the Olympic indications - the TOKYO 2020 description and the year of issue 2020.

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SLOVAKIA - Postage stamp

XXXII Summer Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 - Relay Run (15th April 2020 postponed to 14th April 2021)

The postage stamp of Slovakia (1,55 €) depicting relay run was planned for the XXXII Summer Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 to which, however, it refers only by the red circle symbolizing the Japanese national flag, the logo of the Slovak Olympic and Sports Committee with the Olympic rings and the year of issue 2020. In fact, the stamp will not be published until 2021 (new date of issue was set on 14th April 2021), thus multiplying the aforementioned paradox: the issue for the event with year 2020 taking place only in 2021, and the description of the year of issue 2020, while the stamp will not be published until 2021. The reason is simple: the Slovak Post have printed the stamp already in advance, but it does not plan to shred it and print a new one, only to issue it as it is.

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CZECH REPUBLIC - Machine cancellation

Postponed Tokyo Games (23rd July. 2020)

The machine cancellation initiated by the OLYMPSPORT society commemorates the postponement of the Summer Olympic Games TOKYO 2020 - it was used exactly one year before the planned start date of the postponed Olympic Games. The cancellation commemorates five new Olympic sports: 3x3 basketball, skateboarding, surfing, karate, sport climbing.

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SWITZERLAND - Postage stamps

IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship 2020 (5th March 2020)

The pair of Swiss postage stamps (85 and 100 SvFr) have been issued for the definitively cancelled IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship 2020, which were due to take place in Switzerland in May 2020, have certainly witnessed the corona virus outbreak. These postage stamps were issued before the final decision to cancel the IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship 202 and the Swiss Post decided to keep them in circulation.

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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UNITED KINGDOM - Stamp booklet

World Postage Stamps Exhibition LONDON 2020 (February 2020)

Evidence of a corona virus pandemic is the commemorative stamp booklet issued for the LONDON 2020 World Postage Stamp Exhibition, which even shows the original date of May 2-9 May 2020 - the exhibition was postponed until February 2022.

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AUSTRALIA - Souvenir sheet with imprint

International Postage Stamps Exhibition MELBOURNE 2022 (July 2020)

Evidence of a corona virus pandemic is The Queen´s Birthday souvenir sheet with an imprint announcing that the planned international postage stamps exhibition MELBOURNE 2021 is postponed to MELBOURNE 2022 due to a corona virus COVID-19 pandemic.

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SLOVAKIA - Postage stamp

ACT NOW - Environmental Sustainability (27th March 2020)

Another indirect document is a self-adhesive postage stamp of Slovakia (1.70 €) issued in a sheet format - planned as a joint issue with Italy. The issue was to be released during the MILANOFIL 2020 fair and philatelic exhibition, what is written on the sheet bottom margin: "SPOLOČNÉ VYDANIE S TALIANSKOM MILANOFIL 2020 / EMISSIONE CONGIUNTA CON ITALIA MILANOFIL 2020" (= Joint issue with Italy MILANOFIL 2020).
After initial considerations how to proceed, the Slovak Post representatives decided to issue this Slovak postage stamp on 27th March 2020. However, the Italian Post did not. The MILANOFIL 2020 philatelic fair and exhibition have been postponed indefinitely, but later was announced that MILANOFIL 2020 will not happen in 2020 at all. And the sheet has become a sad witness to measures to combat the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic.

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Taking the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic from a broader perspective of deploying emergency services in emergencies, we find additional postage stamps and other postal materials dedicated to these - often nameless - heroes who fulfill their professional and moral duties regardless of the threat.

USA - postage stamp

Honoring First Responders (13th September 2018)

Postage stamp (FOREVER STAMP) shows the intervening unit: a firefighter, a medical worker and a cop.

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4. Illegal stamps a materials Similar to Postage Stamps Abusing COVID-19 Corona Virus Pandemic

There also appear non-postal - only reminiscent of postage stamps - souvenir materials that abuse the pandemic and try, even in various variants, to withdraw money from the pockets of collectors. Please pay attention to them and do not support inhuman publishers and speculators.

RUSSIA - Fictitious Peter´s Post - Souvenir sheets

MILANOFIL 2020 (March 2020)

A souvenir sheet (perforated and imperforated) with two stamps for the unrealized (postponed) philatelic fair and exhibition MILANOFIL 2020 with the theme of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci with apparently speculative "pirated" edition of fictitious post with semi-imprints "QUARANTINED / ITALY" and "COVID-2019".

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Tribute to First Line Warriors - Corona virus COVID-19 Pandemic and Philately

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5. Used resources

© PHILnews
© Postal Museum - Jack Zhang
© Briefmarkensammlerverein Gaildorf e. V.
© newstalk
© Isle of Man Post Office
© Guernsey Post and Guernsey Stamps
© Coreo Uruguayo
© New Zealand Post - Stamps
© Slovak Post - POFIS
© Deutsche Post - Shop
© Hellenic Post - Shop
© POST Luxembourg - Philately
© OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association of Olymic and Stamp Philately
© International Postage Stamps Exhibition MELBOURNE 2022
© United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA)
© US Navy-Schiffspost
© El Servicio de envíos de Colombia
© Ufficio Filatelico Numismatico Vaticano
© ctt (Portugal)
© Delcampe
© Facebook
and individual contributors who deserve special thanks: Axel Brockmann, Tomáš Amler, Dušan Hübner, Martin Scheer, etc.

We recommend that you also watch the online presentation at the Seattle Philatelic Exhibition (Jean Wang, Toronto, Canada): COVID-19 Related Philately (youtube).

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Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists