About the first Slovak aerogram
A detailed treatise on the issue and specialization of the first Slovak aerogram in 1993.
V. K. NémethA detailed treatise on the issue and specialization of the first Slovak aerogram in 1993.
V. K. NémethOverview of Slovak self-adhesive postage stamps separated by cutting and types of cutting.
Rudolf ŠulejMethod of measuring distances in distinguishing printing plates used for printing by offset and recess printing from flat bed echniques.
Rudolf ŠulejThe issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2019. The overview of the pictures of all issued stamps can be found below the article.
MDV SR, POFISReflection on the methods of measuring Slovak postage stamps perforation and the results that brought in a more accurate measurement by a professional sliding scale.
Rudolf ŠulejThe issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2018. The overview of the pictures of all issued stamps can be found below the article.
MDV SR, POFISThe fifth part of the interesting overview of postage stamps devoted not only to minerals and mineralogy but also to other related areas (gemmology, crystallography, meteoritics) as well as personalities, museums with expositions of minerals, precious stones in crown jewels, etc.
Daniel Ozdín2nd part of the series of articles devoted to the 80th anniversary of the National Postage Stamp Exhibition Bratislava 1937 and the issue of the exhibition souvenir sheet
Rudolf ŠulejExpert´s dispute on an unusual discovery of the Slovenský štát/1939 overprint on a genuine used cover + opinion of the expert on history and censorship
Bohumil SynekUsing a thematic study to create a small collection about the meaning of the bridge constructor János Feketeházy
Vojtech Jankovič (na základe článku Petra Paulíka)Information on a non-published printing fault on Printing Sheet Milan Rastislav Štefánik (1880-1919)
Jiří Neumann, předseda zapsaného spolku pro rozvoj filatelie NEWSPHILA z.s.1st part of the series of articles devoted to the 80th anniversary of the National Postage Stamp Exhibition Bratislava 1937 and the issue of the exhibition souvenir sheet
Rudolf ŠulejThe issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2017. The overview of the pictures of all issued stamps can be found below the article.
MDVRR SR, POFISAn article from the stamp territories area about the existence of an unknown stationery which gives rise to many questions.
Simon HoreckýA thematic view on an unexpectedly rich cycling period of 2016 in Slovak philately
Vojtech JankovičSpecialised remarks on the postage stamp Pofis No. 397 EUROPA 2007: 100 years of scouting.
Rudolf ŠulejFiveteenth part of the specialised article Interesting features of definitive postage stamps Cultural Heritage of Slovakia.
Miroslav GerecArticle devoted to attractive frankings mixed of Russian ruble - kopek currency and the Finnish markka - penni currency.
Vladimír KaisrSample procedure for identifying counterfeit of production error of the Slovak stamp Art: Dusan Samuel Jurkovic – Society House in Skalica.
Rudolf ŠulejContribution of the expert Bohumil Synek of the discovery of more counterfeits passed in the Slovak market.
Bohumil SynekA look back at the life and work of the painter, graphic artist, illustrator, a leading creator of Czechoslovak and Slovak stamps, the doyen of the Slovak stamp design, Ivan Schurmann.
Antónia PaulinyováZaujímavý nález náhodnej tlačovej chyby na známke Kultúrne dedičstvo Slovenska: Kostol vo Svätušiach, ktorá (aspoň opticky) mení názov krajiny vydania.
Mgr. Ján MičkaThe issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2016. The overview of the pictures of all issued stamps can be found below the article.
MDVRR SR, POFISArticle from the postage stamp territories area dealing with the Private Overprint Issue Jasiňa March 1939.
JUDr. Pavel Cais