Pleasantly surprising information on the representation of Slovakia in Dutch stamp production by the young Slovak graphic Peter Bilak .
Prehľad obsahu najnovšieho čísla časopisu Zberateľ 9/2007
Zamyslenie sa nad tematickými exponátmi na filatelistickej výstave III. stupňa Ružomberok 2007.
Presentation and short review of the Slovak translation of a well-founded encyclopedic publication for beginners and advanced collectors.
Prehľad obsahu najnovšieho čísla časopisu Zberateľ 10/2007
Prehľad obsahu najnovšieho čísla časopisu Zberateľ 11/2007
Prehľad obsahu najnovšieho čísla časopisu Zberateľ 12/2007
Recenzia zatiaľ najkompletnejšieho špecializovaného katalógu známok a celín z obdobia tzv. Slovenského štátu 1939 - 1945 z pera jedného z najväčších odborníkov na toto obdobie Ondreja Földesa.
Prehľad obsahu najnovšieho čísla časopisu Zberateľ 1/2008.
Prehľad obsahu nového čísla Spravodajcu ZSF 3/2007.
Prehľad obsahu nového čísla Spravodajcu ZSF 4/2007.
Výročná správa Poštového múzea za rok 2007.
Prehľad obsahu najnovšieho čísla časopisu Zberateľ 2/2008.
Prehľad obsahu najnovšieho čísla časopisu Zberateľ 3/2008.
Prehľad obsahu najnovšieho čísla časopisu Zberateľ 4/2008.
Aktualizovaný emisný plán slovenských poštových známok na rok 2008.
Prehľad obsahu najnovšieho čísla časopisu Zberateľ 5/2008.
Prehľad obsahu nového čísla Spravodajcu ZSF 1/2008.
Švajčiarska celinová pohľadnica k LOH 2008 s vyobrazením viacnásobných olympijských víťazov a majstrov sveta vo vodnom slalome bratov Hochschornerovcov.
Prehľad obsahu najnovšieho čísla časopisu Zberateľ 6/2008.
Prehľad obsahu najnovšieho čísla časopisu Zberateľ 7/2008.
Evaluation of Slovak exhibits at the philatelic exhibition OLYMPEX 2008 in Beijing.
Evaluation of Slovak exhibits at the philatelic exhibition EFIRO 2008 in Bucharest.
Prehľad obsahu najnovšieho čísla časopisu Zberateľ 8/2008.
Hodnotenie slovenských exponátov na svetovej filatelistickej výstave PRAGA 2008 v Prahe.
Evaluation of Slovak exhibits at the philatelic exhibition WIPA 2008 in Vienna.
Book review of a specialised catalogue Bohumil Synek: SLOVENSKO 1939 - 1945 - Známky a celiny (SLOVAKIA 1939 - 1945 - Stamps and Stationeries) published in Bratislava in 2015.
Aktualizovaný emisný plán slovenských poštových známok na rok 2009.
Krátky report UPU o súčasnom stave potláčania vydávania ilegálnych vydaní a eliminovania falšovania s komentárom.
Nová služba Slovenskej pošty, a. s. Pošta Partner pre verejnosť - základné informácie a zaujímavé poštové doklady.
Informácie o prechode na euro, jeho dopadoch na vydávanie poštových známok a o zmenách v poštových službách.
Informácia o úspechu Špecializovaného katalógu SLOVENSKO 1939 - 1945 Ondreja Földesa na výstave CHICAGOPEX 2008.
Recommendations for philatelic exhibits' sheet sizes intended for competitive philatelic exhibitions, supplemented by practical experience and recommendations of a long time thematic exhibitor.
Objav falzifikátu dodatočnej perforácie hárčeka Pamätná prvá eurová známka.
Vyhodnotenie súťaže o najkrajšiu známku sveta Grand Prix de l´Exposition WIPA za rok 2007.
Evaluation of Slovak exhibits at the FEPA philatelic exhibition BULGARIA 2009 in Sofia.
Vybrané sadzby poštovného Slovenskej pošty, a.s. pre niektoré druhy zásielok platné od 1. 7. 2009.
Information about the POFIS service to prepare a stamp with personalized coupon.
Evaluation of Slovak exhibits at international philatelic exhibition BASKETFIL 2009 in Poznan.
Postrehy predsedu výstavnej poroty pri hodnotení exponátov všeobecnej filatelistickej výstavy III. stupňa KOŠICE 2009
Priebežne aktualizovaný emisný plán slovenských poštových známok na rok 2010.
Evaluation of Slovak exhibits at the FEPA Philatelic Exhibition ITALIA 2009 in Roma.
Podrobnosti k emisnému plánu Českej pošty na rok 2010.
Emisný plán Českej pošty na rok 2010.
Evaluation of Slovak exhibits at the FEPA Philatelic Exhibition ANTVERPIA 2010 in Antwerp.
Hodnotenie slovenských exponátov na svetovej výstave poštových známok LONDON 2010 (Festival of Stamps) v Londýne (Veľká Británia).
New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF strong> that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
Overview of postage stamps, miniature sheets and other stamp products issued on the occasion of the Summer Olympic Games Rio de Janeiro 2016
New issue of the philatelic newsletter of the Society of collectors of philatelic materials with Christian themes in Slovakia SV. GABRIEL.
Článok o rôznych typoch známkových frankatúr a možnostiach vzniku zaujímavých frankatúr eurových známok.
Priebežne aktualizovaný emisný plán slovenských poštových známok na rok 2011.
Recenzia knižky pre mladých zberateľov Ako začať zbierať známky doplnená fotografiami z jej uvedenia na výstave Bibliotéka 2010.
Evaluation of a successful period of existence of the young philatelists club at KF 52-28 Danube in Bratislava led by Danka Schmidtova.
Philatelic view on the handball collectable topic: Overview of the oldest and most interesting postage stamps and other philatelic items, discussion on the topic´s appropriateness to build a valuable collection and/or competitive philatelic exhibit.
New issue of the journal of Czech and Slovak Philatelists FILATELIE ...hobby and investment! strong> that provides specialised articles as well as recent information on the Czech and Slovak philately.
Review of the Slovak exhibits at the PHILANIPPON 2011 world philatelic exhibition in Yokohama (Japan).
Information about the Philatelic Exhibition of Olympic and Sport Philately with international participation SLOVOLYMPFILA 2008.
Information about shredding invalid valuables with a nominal value of Sk and numbers and types of shredded items.
World Philatelic Exhibition INDIPEX 2011 in terms of the National Commissioner and international juror.
Úvodný príspevok sekcie "Čo zbierame?" venovanej popisu a zaujímavostiam rôznych typov poštových dokladov (filatelistických materiálov) hlavne z pohľadu tematickej filatelie.
Príspevok z cyklu "Čo zbierame?" venovaný tematickému zbieraniu celinových pohľadníc, nazývaných tiež pohľadnice s natlačenou známkou.
Information about the results of the Grands Prix de l’Art Philatelique competition for the most beautiful engraved postage stamp of EU in 2010.
New issue of the philatelic newsletter of the Society of collectors of philatelic materials with Christian themes in Slovakia SV. GABRIEL.
Priebežne aktualizovaný emisný plán slovenských poštových známok na rok 2012.
Priebežne aktualizovaný emisný plán slovenských poštových známok na rok 2013.
Impressions and a brief assessment of the pioneering first Czech-Slovak Philatelic Exhibition VYSOKÉ MYTO 2011 in Vysoke Myto (Czech Republic).
Evaluation of the level of exhibits and the whole Philatelic Exhibition NITRA 2011 through the eyes of a participating juror.
Article from the "What do we collect?" series devoted to the problems of proper collection value determination, either for collector's personal needs or for the collection sale.
Námetové súvislosti a možnosti tematického využitia švajčiarskej propagačnej strojovej pečiatky k 64. federálnemu gymnastickému festivalu v roku 1955.
Overview of postage stamps, miniature sheets and other stamp products issued within the joint EUROPA 2016 stamp issues - Ecology in Europe - Think Green!
New issue of the journal MERKUR REVUE - Specialised Journal for Philately, Numismatics and Paper Money strong> that provides specialised articles as well as recent information on the Czech, Slovak and world philately, numismatics and paper money collecting.
Odborný článok venovaný aktuálnym trendom v tematickej filatelii, ktorý vysvetľuje základné zásady budovania a hodnotenia tematických exponátov z pohľadu vývojových stupňov tematických exponátov.
Malá inšpirácia pre začínajúcich zberateľov a vedúcich krúžkov mladých filatelistov od dlhoročného skúseného vedúceho krúžku mladých filatelistov Janka Mičku.
Continuously updated overview of postage stamps, miniature sheets and other stamp products issued for the Summer Paralympic Games Rio 2016.
Pleasant epilogue of the successful 1st Czech-Slovak Philatelic Exhibition VYSOKÉ MYTO 2011 devoted to a nice award to organizers, headed by the OC Chairman Peter Fencl.
Picture overview of the International Philatelic exhibition SALON DU TIMBRE 2012 in Paris, focusing on the participation of Slovak Philatelists.
Článok venovaný tematickému pohľadu na poštové známky a iné filatelistické materiály súvisiace s počítačmi - s históriou ich vývoja a rôznych foriem využitia v každodennom živote.
Hľadanie pravdy o údajnej existencii druhého variantu hárčeka Ochrana prírody: Národný park Nízke Tatry.
Priebežne aktualizovaný emisný plán slovenských poštových známok na rok 2014.
The issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2015. The overview of the pictures of all issued stamps can be found below the article.
Article from the series "What do we collect?" dedicated to collecting of a new thematic area of philately which are personalized coupons beside postage stamps.
Article about how a "normal man" can affect Slovak stamp production by the design of an own postage stam artwork and other options how to spread own ideas around the world by using official postal products of the Slovak Post.
Philatelic Code of Ethics of the Universal Postal Union, which determines the issue and use of philatelic products in member countries of the Universal Postal Union.
Návrh nového konceptu Filatelistickej olympiády mladých filatelistov ZSF, ktorý vychádza z dlhoročných skúseností autora, či už ako účastníka FO alebo neskôr ako úspešného vystavovateľa a porotcu.
Philatelic collector's view on a triathlon topic - an inspiration for those who are charmed by this sport and want to save it into theor albums. Finding answers to the question: Which was the first?
Odborný článok venovaný aktuálnym trendom v tematickej filatelii, ktorý vysvetľuje, čo môže (presnejšie musí) tematický vystavovateľ urobiť, aby bol jeho tematický exponát úspešný a zaujímavý.
Overview of sites, where you can find historical photographs and postcards of Slovakia.
Príručka Slovenskej filatelistickej akadémie z edičného radu Filatelistické štúdie od renomovaného slovenského filatelistického odborníka, zberateľa a vystavovateľa, publicistu, redaktora a zväzového znalca Ivana Tvrdého.
Presentation of a philatelic guide dedicated to the possibilities of using printing presses in thematic (subject) collections and exhibits, the author of which is a prominent Slovak philatelic expert, collector, exhibitor, publicist and national juror Miroslav Bachratý.
Short review of a commemorative publication on the 50th anniversary of one of the biggest and most important philatelic clubs in Slovakia.
Overview of the imprints of Slovak franking machines of the BRATISLAVA 1 Post Office since 1993.
Overview of the imprints of Slovak franking machines of the KOŠICE 1 Post Office since 1993.
Variants and forms of use of impressions of franking machines (e.g. metermarks) with zero postage value.
Study article on the new type of franking machine used in postal service on some Slovak post offices.
New issue of the journal of Czech and Slovak Philatelists FILATELIE that provides specialised articles as well as recent information on the Czech and Slovak philately.
New issue of the philatelic newsletter of the Society of collectors of philatelic materials with Christian themes in Slovakia SV. GABRIEL.
Book review of a representative pictorial book The Most Beautiful Slovak Postage Stamps 2005 - 2014 published by the Slovak Post Inc. in 2015.
New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF strong> that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
Introduction to the interesting and surprisingly well-functioning Postcrossing project to redevelop sending postcards and hence the use of postage stamps, as well as the development of philately. The description is supplemented by an overview of issued postage stamps and other philatelic materials.
New issue of the philatelic newsletter of the Society of collectors of philatelic materials with Christian themes in Slovakia SV. GABRIEL.
Report of the National Commissioner and the exhibitor from the WORLD STAMP SHOW NEW YORK 2016.
Interesting facts about franking machines and their meters at Slovak post offices - Anomalies of the use of the NOT VALID inscription on the blue DEKVS BRATISLAVA 35 (ev. no. 74536).
Article from the series "How to create a successful philatelic exhibit?" dedicated to the pitfalls of the application of exhibits on competitive philatelic exhibitions.
New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF strong> that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF strong> that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
A thematic view on an unexpectedly rich cycling period of 2016 in Slovak philately
Report by the National Commissioner from the European Stamp Exhibition FINLANDIA 2017 in Tampere.
New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF strong> that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
New issue of the newsletter of the Czech Association for the Olympic and Sports Philately OLYMPSPORT.
New issue of the newsletter of the Czech Association for the Olympic and Sports Philately OLYMPSPORT.
New issue of the journal the European Philatelic Federation FEPA NEWS II Series No. 31 – June 2017.
Information about the publication of a new issue of the Zberateľ (Collector) magazine, which brings a lot of interesting information and professional articles for collectors of various collecting areas.
Using a thematic study to create a small collection about the meaning of the bridge constructor János Feketeházy
New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
Continuously updated overview of postage stamps, miniature sheets and other stamp products issued on the occasion of the XXIII. Winter Olympic Games PyeongChang 2018
New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
New issue of the newsletter of the Czech Association for the Olympic and Sports Philately OLYMPSPORT.
New issue of the newsletter of the Czech Association for the Olympic and Sports Philately OLYMPSPORT.
New issue of the informative journal the World Philatelic Federation FIP Flash 124 – Feb 2018
A detailed overview of postage stamps and other postal documents related to the VI Peace Race 1953 with the comprehensive description of their philatelic particularities
New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
Introduction and expert reviews on the O. Földes a S. Havlíček: MONOGRAFIA CELÍN SLOVENSKO 1939 AŽ 1945 (MONOGRAPH OF THE SLOVAKIA 1939 - 1945 STATIONERY) textbook.
New issue of the newsletter of the Czech Association for the Olympic and Sports Philately OLYMPSPORT.
New issue of the informative journal the World Philatelic Federation FIP Flash 125 – July 2018
New issue of the journal the European Philatelic Federation FEPA NEWS II Series No. 32 – January 2018
New issue of the newsletter of the Czech Association for the Olympic and Sports Philately OLYMPSPORT.
Continuously updated overview of postage stamps, miniature sheets and other stamp products issued on the occasion of the XII. Winter Paralympic Games PyeongChang 2018
New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
An inspirational non-competitive philatelic exhibition on the 100th Anniversary of the formation of Czechoslovakia with the focus on the historical development of Slovakia as a country and Slovaks as a nation.
New issue of the journal the European Philatelic Federation FEPA NEWS II Series No. 33 – June 2018
New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
29th volume of the yearbook KOŠICE VO FILATELII č. 29/2018 which contains interesting specialised and popular articles on philately and relates collecting areas by renowned Kosice collectors.
27th volume of the yearbook KOŠICE VO FILATELII č. 27/2016 which contains interesting specialised and popular articles on philately and relates collecting areas by renowned Kosice collectors.
New issue of the informative journal the World Philatelic Federation FIP Flash 126 – November 2018
New issue of the newsletter of the Czech Association for the Olympic and Sports Philately OLYMPSPORT.
An introduction to a series of articles devoted to a detailed overview of postage stamps and other postal documents related to cycling Peace Race with an exhaustive description of philatelic peculiarities and attractions.
New issue of the journal the European Philatelic Federation FEPA NEWS II Series No. 34 – January 2019, among other things with an article about the Jubilee Philatelic Exhibition C-S SALON 2018 at the Bratislava Castle
The issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2020. The overview of the pictures of all issued stamps can be found below the article.
New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
New issue of the informative journal the World Philatelic Federation FIP Flash 127 – MAR 2019
Overview of postal and philatelic materials published for the International Peace Marathon in Košice.
New issue of the informative journal the World Philatelic Federation FIP Flash 128 – AUG 2019
New issue of the journal the European Philatelic Federation FEPA NEWS II Series No. 35 – June 2019
30th volume of the yearbook KOŠICE VO FILATELII č. 30/2019, which contains interesting specialised and popular articles on philately and relates collecting areas by renowned Kosice collectors.
Report by the National Commissioner and Juror from the World Stamp Exhibition CHINA 2019 in Wuhan, China.
New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
Identification of factual errors, inaccuracies, and grammatical errors on Slovak stamps and other postal materials.
New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
Report of the Slovak national commissioner and jury member from the Czech National Stamp Exhibition LIBEREC 2019 (25th - 29th September 2019).
New issue of the newsletter of the Czech Association for the Olympic and Sports Philately OLYMPSPORT.
New issue of the journal the European Philatelic Federation FEPA NEWS II Series No. 36 – January 2020.
Report of the Slovak national commissioner from the European Championships on Thematic Philately ECTP 2019 help in Verona (Italy).
Introducing the handbook Příručka pro sběratele pohlednic (Handbook for postcard collectors) by Frantisek Beneš, st.
Thematic article on the Wuppertaler Schwebebahn (Wuppertal Suspension Railway) inspired by the article by J. Micka: Interesting thematic connection - railway.
Information on the publication of the book Lecture Proceedings 2016 - 2017 published by the Slovak Philatelic Academy in the edition of Philatelic Handbooks.
Overview of postal materials with a direct or indirect correlation to the COVID-19 corona pandemic
(Updated on 29th September 2020)
Information on the publication of the Atlas of Countries that do not exist book, which also belongs to the philatelic library
The issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2021. The overview of the pictures of all stamps already issued and stamps in the design phase can be found below the article.
An overview of found production errors on the Slovak postage stamp Philately.
Presentation of properties and demonstration of the use of the virtual philatelic exhibition EXPONET
Introduction of a new mobile application focused on the promotion and collection of Slovak postage stamps
Demonstration of an interesting combination of stamps and signatures of living persons - Slovak presidents
Monitoring the story of the planned joint release Environmental Sustainability of ACT NOW negatively affected by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Invitation to study the educational module COLLECTING AND PHILATELY at the University of the Third Age of UNIZA in Zilina (Slovakia)
Introduction and expert reviews on the text book Great Bitter Lake Association - Lednice v zajatí na Sueze 1967/75 - Katalóg známok (Great Bitter Lake Association - Lednice in captivity on the Suez 1967/75 - Stamp Catalogue)
Presentation of the issue of Czechoslovak postage stamps Huby (Mushrooms) from 1958 with a focus on its thematic use and possibilities of specialization.
Presentation of the detailed Catalog of district stamps of postal offices in Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia, authored by the postal-historian Miloslav Marčan.
Presentation of the issue of Czechoslovak postage stamps Jedovaté huby (Poisonous mushrooms) from 1989 with a focus on its thematic use and possibilities of specialization.